What Men Truly Desire From Women

  • To be seen through their flaws 
  • To be forgiven Mutual trust 
  • To be felt with compassion 
  • To not be judged by their past, but by their actions in the now 
  • Co-creation 
  • Freedom to BE their truth 
  • Respected and revered 
  • Believed in

And let’s be real for a moment, these are basic HUMAN needs and really can only be met in a healthy way when we reciprocate, are willing to do our work, and open to receiving. We need to begin with ourselves, we ultimately are the common denominator in our own lives.

I know I was in mine and needed to shift internally before I unconsciously or consciously demanded more from others.

I recall in my relationships I once demanded a great deal but wasn’t prepared to give. I was arrogant, entitled, and stubborn. This caused me to not only lack common relationship sense, but it also placed me spaces of resentment, projection, and blame.

Everything that went wrong in my life was someone else’s fault. Never mine. I would get so angry at others because “no one ever understood me” or “I wasn’t respected enough”. Truth is I wasn’t behaving in a way where others could match that.

And… When they did I did not deem myself worthy enough to receive that love. Oh did I have to do some deeper work around my unresolved trauma and self-worth to all of the others in? I began my journey of awareness, I hired coaches, sought spiritual healers, read, meditated, let go of, dealt with my trauma, did extensive breath and somatic work and healed my relationships to my parents, past and self and much more.

Easy? No. Worth it? Yes. Two questions for you…

1… What are YOU willing to release in order to become the best version of you?

2… What do you most need in relationship?

One is glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



Desire and Be Intimate Together

A couple that desires together, shares intimacy together.

Co-visioning is essential when it comes to deepen our intimate connection. Sharing ourselves and our inner most thoughts and feelings (aka vulnerability and radical honesty) bonds us and helps us know each other.

The Wounded Feminine

This energy resides within all of us. Today let’s speak to the wounded feminine within a woman’s body. When a woman is in her wounded or shadow feminine, she is suffering.
This suffering is projected into the world as low self-worth. Nearly every action comes from a place of deficit, feeling not enough and needing to be seen and validated in unhealthy ways, a woman will compromise her values, integrity and commitments to self.

The Flame Of True Desire Is Love In Motion

There is nothing wrong with desiring. It’s more HOW we desire that really affects our sense of self and the quality of our relationships. Desiring allows us to pursue, stop and embody, feel, think, perceive, dream and move through the world.

Rise To That Higher Outlook

Rise to that higher outlook – the reality that awaits you beyond your old wounds, beliefs, and fears. That is where the infinite nature of love and possibility will greet your heart with openness and freedom only once dreamt of. You simply need to venture beyond the unknown with complete surrender…

Clarity Is King

Men, clarity is the pathway to freedom, love, liberation, openness and all that we desire.

Clarity for all of us is an embodied state that has the potential to allow us to live a full life.

Clarity is the precursor to feeling fully. Without a clear mind, heart and body we are ‘dirty channels’ for the transmission of wisdom and empowerment.

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