The Wounded Feminine

This energy resides within all of us. Today let’s speak to the wounded feminine within a woman’s body. When a woman is in her wounded or shadow feminine, she is suffering.

This suffering is projected into the world as low self-worth. Nearly every action comes from a place of deficit, feeling not enough and needing to be seen and validated in unhealthy ways, a woman will compromise her values, integrity and commitments to self.

Maybe it’s overworking, lacking healthy boundaries around how others speak to her, saying yes too often, compromising her values or expressing an over-sexualized version of self to feel better about who she is in the world.

And cultural norms, persuasive media, outdated ideals, collective fear and the shadow masculine may perpetuate this. We’re all in this together and we’re all responsible for how we show up to each other.

The wounded feminine feels she is never enough and like the wounded masculine competes in her own ways, often against other women. Not valuing the healthy energetic of the feminine, she may revert to more dominant masculine traits, distancing her further from her core essence.

She craves attention in ways that are not self-honouring and she actually loses her sense of worth and then carries an internal dialogue of negativity, harshness, and pain.

The wounded feminine has not been taught how to express love towards herself. She has been shown her body is objectification and tool. This is so wrong. She perhaps hasn’t grown up witnessing the masculine revering the feminine or perhaps she was ignored and understood the feminine carries little value. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

We need the divine feminine to step into her power. We must support this transition together and witness the power and presence of the feminine shine brightly. Can we honour her necessity without judgment or condition?

The truth is all of her is welcome and let’s commit together to heal and grow together. From this place of full acceptance, we will all evolve on love.

One is glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



When Someone Tells You That You Can’t, What They’re Really Saying Is They Can’t

Don’t get caught up in the ignorance and insecurities of others. So often, we are stuck in our own pains and fears and we project this outwardly.

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The Value of Man

Men, the woman in your world wants you to roar. She wants you to own your darkness, your primality, the part of your core essence society tells you to deny and suppress.

The feminine wants to know that YOU know all of YOU. That you are not afraid of your “ugly”. That you see the beautiful in your ugly and that you are prepared to own it all.

Relationship Green Flags

A green flag essentially means that you feel safe to proceed, pursue and explore with a deeper level of vulnerability, openness and curiosity. Your guard is down and you are ready to not only show the better parts of you but perhaps even the parts that don’t look that flash.


Complete this assessment to uncover the exact blocks preventing you from attracting and experiencing the love and intimacy you truly desire

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