Excuses Are Not Masculine

When we make excuses we negate responsibility and therefore defuse our power. This is unattractive and makes us as men untrustworthy.

Recently having facilitated hundreds of men through deep transformational and explorative work I realized profoundly that our excuses are holding us back from intimacy and connection – to be seen and to witness.

No one resonates with a man who doesn’t take responsibility and ownership of his actions or his past. When we deny our role in any event, we disempower ourselves.

So many of us as men are so fearful to own our “mistakes”, the pain we’ve caused others, our shame, and even our dreams.

We are fearful because we carry deep embarrassment about who we are or who we have been. So many of us have grown up in abusive, absent, and/or repressive households. Not knowing how to emote, nor how to express have lost our sense of self and therefore have cultivated a gnawing frustration of life that is projected outwardly.

We have given our power away. Having controlling or even enmeshed parents, we have defused ourselves of our own responsibility, wanting others in some way to save us or take away our pain. And if not another then pornography, sex, drugs, excessive achievement, wealth, status, and any addiction that validate us and distract us from unaddressed pain.

We haven’t known how to help ourselves and as a result, we have either retreated from the world in compounded shame and meekness or lashed out in leaky aggression and blame with no connection to the actual healing that really needs to transpire.

We have to continue to come together as men and be witnessed by other men in all of our emotions and range of expression. The entire spectrum of who we must be felt by ourselves without shame. Truly… all of us must be welcomed…

What do you feel when someone close to you continues to make excuses for their actions and behaviors? 

One is glad to be of service.



Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



Are You Lost In The Doing?

Ever feel there is more…? The masculine expression in economic pursuit has become so lost in “doing” that he has forgotten to ask “what is worth doing”? This is not about being “anti-business”, this is about alignment of truths…

The Richness Of Union

There is a richness that accompanies commitment. When we commit to the intertwining of all the expressions of self, we grow in to a more encompassed and complete version of who we have always been.

The intertwining of our sexual sacredness may only transpire if we are open to receiving and giving in equanimity. Our sexual energy may only flow when we are free of shame and when we have chosen to commit without inhibition. To be SEEN for all that we are.

Why You May Be Attracting an Effeminate Man In Intimacy

We learn at a young age to wear masks to protect ourselves and be part of the “in” or popular group. We seek validation, approval and acceptance of those we deify, love and respect (aka our parents, peers and society).
We can’t maintain this. We seek to be accepted in all the wrong ways. Masculine and feminine energies exist in all of us. They are simply contrasted energetic expressions of our thoughts, beliefs and reality.

Own All Of You

I have not always been confident in who I am, in my body, mind and heart. I have doubted, felt deeply intense fear and lost my self in negative and harmful actions towards myself and others. I have not been connected to my body and have carried shame in this area, alongside my thoughts and emotions.

The Precious Radiance Of The Feminine – A Personal Monologue

Please read through with an openness of heart and mind. “We are all one in the same, intricately connected through the magic that is the undying, infinite and magnificent cosmos…”


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