Stef Sifandos
Relational Alchemist, Community Builder & Changemaker

Honouring Those We Love

A heartfelt tribute to our connected humanity… Please feel…

How do we honour those we feel deeply for, those we are bonded to? We revere them for exactly what they are, how they show up and how they present themselves. How do we allow others to be who they are?

We make them feel safe, we provide them the space to be authentic without judgement, to demonstrate to their own selves their worthiness, their prowess, their ability and their congruent power.

As a people we flourish when we are seen for who we are. When we are able to be seen in this way we live openly, devoid of fear, we are ourselves, we remove the masks, we feel accepted, we feel grounded, secure and empowered in our being.

To be who we wish to be, to honour ourselves. From this space we make choices based on our something felt, something directly experienced. We make choices, take action, connect and feel fully. In this fullness of feeling we are truth, we are embodied, we are real.

In this moment (where we feel that we are held, where we know we are safe) all is unraveled. In this unravelling we ‘right’ our ‘wrongs’, we realise what is important and we allow ourselves to be free. To be free in our hearts to act from a place of integrity and concern for others and for ourselves.

Here, life is death and death is life. We ‘sacrifice’ our own existence for the betterment of others. It is here, momentarily in this space we realise (soulfully and completely) the infinite nature of our reality and our being. It is here we release all attachments and all that matters is the wellbeing of others.

Martyrdom, not quite. Sacrifice and cost, not quite. The truth of unity consciousness, yes. We realise that to serve others is to serve ourselves. Those that can embrace this truth are those that realise the value of any given moment, those that realise the power of selfless action immerse in to a release from fearing the unknown.

To honour others is to revere their life for what it is. To express an emotion when we feel paralysed, to break through pain and still give all that we are, to recognise the magnificence in another, in ourselves and in consciousness when we are engulfed in fear, ignorance and distraction is a gift to our own journey.

When we choose to admire, revere, honour and accept others for who they are, we are honouring ourselves for what we are. Not needing to change to ‘fit in’, not forcing ourselves to be something or someone we are not. We give others permission to do so and be so also.

When we feel we are losing, we are giving, gaining and growing. When we ‘lose’ those we love there is so much wisdom in this unwinding of what was in to something that now is… In this space of ‘is’ we become present and the permeating truths of the cosmos present themselves openly to us.

Death is difficult as it is seamless. Death of the old, is a rebirth of the new. Death is a celebration of transformation. In death life is renewed. To accept death is to embrace life. To revere death and honour the lives of those we love is to accept what is real and honour those who respected life for what it is – ultimately infinite.

To accept others is deeply revealing and honouring. In this honouring we pay homage to life as it is. Without regret, without rigid expectation and without tainting life with our layered perception and unconscious influence.

This level of healthy acceptance is what bonds us deeply. Acceptance means honouring what we feel through our experiences and through our observations and not tainting others with harsh judgement.

One is always glad to be of service.


Stef Sifandos
Relational Alchemist, Community Builder & Changemaker
Stef Sifandos
Relational Alchemist, Community Builder & Changemaker

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