Relationship Green Flags

  • Practices self-care & hygiene 
  • Introspective & thoughtful
  • Has healthy boundaries 
  • Self-sufficient 
  • Demonstrates gratitude with ease
  • Consistent in their word
  • Has rich meaningful and open friendships 
  • Financially adept 
  • Healthy in the body
  • Ability to listen intently to those with a differing opinion 
  • Demonstrates a capacity to be vulnerable

A green flag essentially means that you feel safe to proceed, pursue and explore with a deeper level of vulnerability, openness and curiosity. Your guard is down and you are ready to not only show the better parts of you but perhaps even the parts that don’t look that flash.

We need to choose what a ‘green flag’ is for us and what one isn’t. It comes down to our values, upbringing, wounds, trauma, desires, goals, ambitions, inhibitions, vulnerabilities, proclivities and so much more.

What triggers you may not trigger another. What bothers you may not be a bother for another. Perhaps you grew up with an alcoholic mother so there is a sensitivity, charge, or higher concern to your prospective partner’s relationship to alcohol. Whereas someone without that life experience immediately perceives the situation differently.

Is this wrong? No. It is what it is for you. Knowing yourself and holding a capacity to speak your truth and demonstrate your needs in a healthy communicative way helps you align with a person suited to who you are and who you wish to be.

One of these may not be a GO AHEAD signal for you, but couple a few of these together and all of a sudden your nervous system is feeling safer. You are now curious and you are leaning in – metaphorically, emotionally and physically.

You are aroused in every sense of the word because you feel safe. Red flags don’t help us feel safe, we move with doubts fear, trepidation, confusion and concern. We do not feel confident in being open and often red flags activate a part of us that is traumatized or wounded.

The old protective parts come out and we either feel like we need to aggress in order to protect, run in order to hide or we freeze because we are in shock. These are more extreme versions of a red flag, however tap into what is happening for you on this spectrum and determine what is a green flag for you.

What would you add to the list?

Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



The Divinity Of Femininity

To honour the feminine is to honour the sacred dance of the slow, the sacred and the open.

To walk beside the feminine on this path of awakening means to be blessed by her grace and beauty.

To learn from each other is to teach each other. To lean in to each other and to SEE each other.

The still of the masculine meets the fluid movement of the feminine.

The depth of the masculine draws out the magnificent nature of the feminine – the sparkle, the beauty, the light.

No Man Is An Island

As men we are inadvertently told and shown that independence reigns supreme and whilst I am a massive advocate for self-reliance, solitude and autonomy we still need each other. We are relational beings and the days of the lone wolf are over. There is a balance and by feeling, we neutralize that pain. We don’t allow the complex layers of our psyche to take over.

Believe In Yourself

I was lost & I was clear. I believed in my vision, yet was not treating myself or others with care & kindness. I continued to walk the path. I continued to grow through my pain. Some of my coping strategies were unhealthy, some healthy

Healthy Intimacy Vs. Unhealthy Intimacy

We all yearn for connection, touch, understanding and a wanting to be seen. We often create barriers to this level of trusted connection due to certain traumatic or painful experiences we have had and the beliefs we have then formed around these experiences.

Gender Reverence

When we choose to see, feel and interact beyond the normative lens of segregation we grow. This does not mean we do not value difference – biological, social, cultural, behavioural, relational, neurological, hormonal, etc. It means though, that we do not discriminate, bias towards or subjugate on prima-facie value based on obvious or subtle physical or ideological differences.


Complete this assessment to uncover the exact blocks preventing you from attracting and experiencing the love and intimacy you truly desire

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