Is Your Intensity Coming From Insecurity?

Is your resistance coming from resentment?

Are you chasing him or her because you think ‘they are the one’ and you can’t do any better? Are you giving ALL of yourself to another and minimizing your needs? Are you placing the power of decision in the palms of another because you don’t back yourself?

Are you intense in your emotions because you feel out of control? Are you desperate because you believe you are unworthy of love? Are you needy because you can’t meet your own needs for love, validation and security? What drives the intensity in your being?

What are you perhaps nervous about? Or are you more avoidant, standoffish, reluctant to engage and give yourself to another? Do you lack trust and do you doubt the word of another?

Are you resisting love because you are still harboring anger towards past lovers? Are you in resistance to see your own faults because you are in deep resentment of a past that continues to haunt you?

Our resistance in the present can often be a product of resentment of the past. When we hold on to being a victim, when we harbor pain in order to keep us prepared in case it happens again, we can show up as resistant in our lives.

We trust less, we yearn to be close to others, because we feel so alone, yet we dread being hurt again, so we resist. We resist being close to another, letting someone in, being seen, trusting, leaning in and we suffer for it. No person is an island. We are relational beings that need each other.

Until we let go of the past, whether it be resentment or a story that we are not enough we will show up in the present as fractured, scared and confused.

What do you need to let go of and what are you ready to embrace?

Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



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Complete this assessment to uncover the exact blocks preventing you from attracting and experiencing the love and intimacy you truly desire

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