The Dying Art Of Masculine Sacred Ritual

The sacredness of man has become diluted by cultural clutter, rampant consumerism, unhealthy masculinity and relational disconnection.

However, it is not all ‘doom and gloom’. There is an opportunity in this extreme expression of a man that we are able to find our ‘true north’ once again. That we are able to connect to the fullness of whom we are by readjusting and recalibrating our internal bearings.

But how? There are a few ways, one is to reconnect to deliberate sacred practice and ritual that allows us to connect to the true nature of our being. Men are beings of the land, of Mother Earth. Somewhere along the way, in our egoic disposition and our predisposed fears we lost the essence of sustainable and inclusive expression.

We lost touch with the sacredness of connected and embodied ritual – a ritual that serves, enhanced, evolved, gave insight and supported instead of current ritual and habit that revolves around self-absorbed notions of hyper-individuated and hyper-focused material achievement.

We are better than this. There is nothing ‘wrong’ with the pursuit of material or physical prowess, it is when we lose our inner harmony and we pursue at the expense of our own sanity, relationships and values that we are losing as men.

For us, the sacred ritual is about connection, giving, feeling, being, creating, unearthing, supporting, holding, being stewards of our own sovereignty and relating to the interconnectedness of all ‘things’.

We are capable of producing, protecting, pursuing, posturing in presence and purpose and ultimately being full in our movement through the world. Appropriate regular ritual grounds us and opens our minds and hearts. We also feel reprieve and openness in our hearts and minds. Our ideas flourish and we are calmer and safer in our posturing.

Sacred conscious ritual is something that defines us as humans and as men our Vira practice allows us to be seen fully for who we are. What is your sacred practice as a man that bonds you and connects you to your truth and purpose and in turn the world around you?

One is glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



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