Choose Wisely Whom You Share Yourself With

You are your greatest strength.

You are your greatest power.

You are insight.

You are your greatest love

You are your greatest force.

You are your greatest wellspring of wisdom.

You are your deepest inspiration.

You are your greatest source of truth.

You are self-reliant.

You are capable and able beyond imagination.

You are your closest council.

You are all you need to be.

Sometimes we go TOO FAR outside of ourselves to define who we are. We are greater than we often think…

Whom we spend our time with influences whom we become. Whom we allow ourselves to be with impacts the quality of our path.

You know you better than anyone else does. Be discerning whom you give the most sacred parts of yourself to.

Do not be fearful of loss. You needn’t come from a place of scarcity. You are abundant in your presence. Direct that to where you wish it to go…

One is glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



The Sacred Witnessing Within All Men

Men, can we observe, can we just be? Can we simply observe the tides that rise and fall within our minds? Can we feel the ebb and flow of our hearts? Can you witness all that is you, all that you have been and all that you may become? Can you change the direction of your course by acknowledging your authentic power…?

Be In Existential Curiosity

You are not in an existential crisis, you are in existential curiosity. Be aware of the distinction and transcendence that awaits…

Entering The Sacredness Of The ‘Yoni’

The only vantage point we have is our own. However, through accessing our empathetic faculties, our own direct experiences and the yearning to learn and grow we may reach a place where our wisdom and willingness to connect plays an integral role in our expansion. This is a male perspective on one of the most sacred ‘homes’ in the cosmos…

A Man’s Suffering

You would think this wouldn’t be that hard to have in modern world. However, we are missing this. Men are overworked, depressed, repressed, isolated, numb and in excess pursuit of values such as status that does not serve.

Our boys are still growing in to adult bodies without effective rites of passage, without the confidence, wisdom, knowledge and skills. They are essentially left to fend for themselves and figure it out alone.

The Art Of Dying

I watched at extremely close proximity my grandparents suffer with physical and psychological ailments during their twilight years. It was hard to watch them deteriorate and be immobile in everyday simple life. Whilst they handled this like bosses, it was interesting to witness highly independent beings become highly reliant on others for basic functioning


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