The Value of Man

Men, the woman in your world wants you to roar. She wants you to own your darkness, your primality, the part of your core essence society tells you to deny and suppress.

The feminine wants to know that YOU know all of YOU. That you are not afraid of your “ugly”. That you see the beautiful in your ugly and that you are prepared to own it all.

The woman in your life does not want to feel your out-lash in messy, unconscious and uncontrollable means. She requests that your intensity is expressed and transmuted through mastered and inspired passion.

The feminine desires certainty and safety around the manner in which you relate to your aggression, your power, your presence and your strength. The only “off-limits” is the unconscious and reckless action of self in to the world.

When we disregard and ignore parts of ourselves, we also ignore those parts that we value and are candidly open with, such as our compassion and our ability to tap in to our hearts. To be true to self, we must own all of who and what we are, without shame and then consciously CHOOSE to be different in alignment with values such as inclusivity, reverence and mutual empowerment.

Men carry great gifts. How we use our gifts matters and is of great importance. It’s not about “controlling” our fire. It’s about transmuting the energies to serve a higher purpose. Whilst honoring our ancestors, roots and biological profiling actually all matters. We have also evolved and changed immensely.

This tells that us a new version of man is required. What does this look like? Well, we are shaping that now – determined largely by our rapid evolutions. And let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water.

There is great value in some of where man has come from. Courage, mastery, honor, strength – admirable and pragmatic virtues that blend our biology and our culture. Our masculinity is layered. It begins with owning ALL of who we are and transmuting that which isolates.

It’s using the power of that energy to be redirected in such a way that serves our highest good and all of humanity. The energy that feeds our appetite for destruction can be redirected in to passion and powerful action for conserving our environment.

Man is inherently GOOD (caring, inclusive, thoughtful, in integrity). When we assume responsibility for our power and our gifts we grow together. We recognize our goodness and thrive.

When we hide away from all of who we are, we deny the world of our glory. Men, do the work. Go deep. Explore the inner chasms of your world like our ancestors explored uncharted lands. Be the epitome of presence and love from the heart.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



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