Nurturing A Woman’s Heart

Be decisive in your choices

Be certain in your language

Carefully consider your options

Say what you intend to do and do what you say

Be playful in your gesture

Own who you are and live it

Make effort to know her needs

Be prepared to be challenged

Respect Mother Earth

Yes, this, of course, applies to all. 

Remember, our unresolved issues will be “tested”. We will be asked to be in our hearts and getting there can be very challenging particularly if we have experienced trauma, pain, volatility or a violent upbringing.

This can be true for many men… The request is to see that the beloved in your life is not only here to teach you, but to help you heal and be more present to your “stuff”. And of course, this applies in reverse also.

Where do you feel you could be more present to deepening or opening the heart of your beloved and in turn get to know more about you? For me, it is more profound layers of compassion and deepened empathy. Remember, others have a history of hurt that they now also find it difficult to give their hearts and trust again…

Compassion and empathy were very confusing emotions to hold for me and I know in my life a big part of my journey is knowing I can access those aspects of me and live in a healthy way. My surroundings, environments and loved ones will present postures and ways of being that will grant me the opportunity to them CHOOSE to express that.

We can either push our opportunities away or we can embrace them. Embracing them can be tough because often these very things we need to do can be the most difficult. And here is the hero’s journey of overcoming your past pain…

One is glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



9 Signs You Have A True Soul Connection With Your Beloved

What is a soul? What is true connection? What does it mean to be beautifully bonded in partnership with your beloved? It means we are more than our bodies, but deeply connected to our bodies; it means we understand each other, are patient and care for the wellbeing of each other…

The Deal With “Feminine” Men

A hyper-feminized man has often received projection from a parent enmeshing with them and “needing” unconscious intimacy from their children, as they are not receiving it from their partners. This has caused the man to shut down his masculine essence and presence, whilst appeasing and prioritizing others and entertaining the unhealthy aspects of his feminine due to the codependent nature of his relationship with one or both of his parents.

The Warrior Within

Life can be daunting, life can be overwhelming, life can appear so big! The ‘bigness’ can be f*****g scary!

We ‘think’ that we are not as good as why we are. We devalue ourselves, we minimize our power, we place ourselves lower than what we are.

How do we come in to a space of self-reverence? Where we know our power and we needn’t question our abilities when it comes to expressing our truth?

The Self-Revering Man

The man who respects, trusts and reveres himself is the man who stands in vertical awe of his own being.
This is not arrogance but rather ‘aware confidence’ and a deepened connection to self that supersedes doubt, fear and confusion.

Expressive Connection

We yearn, we wish, we feel, we ‘know’, we dream, we envision, we care, we want, we desire, we need – yet we refrain. We hold back, we retract, we restrict, we constrict and we live in and from unconscious and patterned fears. Why?


Complete this assessment to uncover the exact blocks preventing you from attracting and experiencing the love and intimacy you truly desire

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