Overcoming Regret

  • Stop living vicariously through others
  • Ask what you learned from inaction
  • Get to the core of the pain, beyond what appears to be “obvious”
  • Is there another version of the past that you can experience now?
  • Identify the emotional attachment
  • Assume responsibility to empower yourself
  • Apply loving kindness and compassion to the parts of you in pain
  • Focus on a future you desire
  • Grieve fully what you have lost
  • Practice sincere gratitude

Regret can eat us away. It keeps us locked into a past that was not meant for us anyway. It distracts us from being present and in gratitude. The active and deliberate practice of gratitude releases serotonin. This reinforces a sense of appreciation for the ‘now’ moment and the people in that now moment, forming deeper bonds.

It balances out dopamine and helps us ground into what is unraveling in the now. Regret is almost a false belief that where we are is not where we are meant to be and “If only this happened, then I would have…”

If you are meant to be somewhere, then you’ll be there. If you are not, then do whatever you can in your power to BE there. Regret keeps us from taking responsibility and owning our actions. It disempowers us and keeps us playing small.

It holds us in a place of victimhood that only perpetuates more pain. But this “sounds” all good and well, and taking the “higher ground” always sounds easier than what it actually is, but how do we move past regret?

We feel… We grieve… We express… We allow the tears to flow, the sadness to be felt, the anger to be moved. We must give ourselves the dignity of our healing process, without severe intervention and without judgment.

We must meet our tears, our pain, and our fears with loving presence, compassion, and sincerity. We must surround ourselves with people that SEE us, so that we may feel empowered and supported during our most difficult times.

Otherwise, our regret becomes memories that are considered of greater value than our suppressed pain and the current situation becomes too overwhelming because we have not processed our pain and released it, therefore the fantasy of a possible past becomes more appealing.

The paradox of it though is we experience more pain. What are you needing to grieve?

One is glad to be of service.

Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



The Wounded Boy-Like Masculine

Right now our world needs structure, healthy transparency, a sense of healthy confidence and an ability to put away the ego and come together in greater harmony and compassion.

The wounded aspects of self are rising to the surface in a rapid way for both the feminine and masculine wounding. This means that we will feel more pressure, more pain and more uncertainty.

The Paradigm of Emotional Intelligence in Modern Masculinity

The contemporary woman – a profoundly interconnected, intellectual, and superior entity – seeks a companion who mirrors her emotional depth and self-awareness. She is unlikely to accommodate a man persistently detached from his feelings and self-understanding. It is crucial to note that her ideal partner isn’t just an outwardly expressive, emotionally open individual; instead, he displays intelligent emotional articulation, constituting a pivotal element of a healthy, modern man.

Our Head – Her Womb

Where is the most amazing place to be? The most sacred? The most profound and the most connected? The immediate response is within our own sovereignty and our own being. Here is where we cultivate real and authentic power.

Love Is Conditional

There it is. I said what basically we all do. We all place conditions on the way we care for others, okay, well the VAST majority of us do. I know I have & so what, where to from here? Are standards, ideals, values & conditions bad?

If your partner is physically or emotionally abusing you consistently should you remain in that situation with no indication of change because you wish to have ‘unconditional love’?

The Sacred Invitation

There is something magnificent about the human gaze… Particularly that of a woman. She is able to show so much of who she is, what has been and what will be.

As men, it is an honour to witness the sacredness of the gaze. This invitation into the soul and essence of a woman’s world liberate us from overthinking.


Complete this assessment to uncover the exact blocks preventing you from attracting and experiencing the love and intimacy you truly desire

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