Tapping Into Your Feminine

The internalized embodiment of feminine consciousness by man has been a welcoming change as it has allowed both men and women to see each other at greater depth. A more profound appreciation has transpired towards women and this has bridged the gap of isolating our differences.

Instead, we have been able to celebrate our differences and merge in a greater union. And whilst this development has helped us relate more profoundly, we as men have also lost parts of ourselves. I’m embracing this feminine consciousness, we have lost integral aspects of our masculinity.

Guilt and shame of past collective actions have almost had us reject the expressions of masculinity that the feminine also values. Sovereignty, healthy self-reliance, a structured sense of self, discipline, rugged connection to land, compassionate decisiveness, strength, pride and honour in being of value and much more.

We have shifted our focus to life preservation as opposed to life-giving energies. We have been asked to be softer and more receptive, yet these qualities as dominant within man are somewhat foreign to us. We can still be “non-receptive” and not be violent. We can be in the energetic of giving without being forceful.

The masculine carries potent yang giving energy. And the feminine potent yin receiving energy. There was a time not long ago where men were craving harder women, and women craving softer men. We seem to be realizing that this inverse dynamic is not necessarily the way…

In focusing solely on feminine qualities we have lost side with the “wild man” within. That primitive, sexual, connected sense of masculinity that is the pole to feminine sensuality and softness. Polarity creates attraction. Are we diminishing that through homogenizing each other?

Too much softness as men has deterred us from venturing into the shadows of our psyches. This means we are repressed and we don’t know ourselves. We feel lost and a man lost and not in purpose demagnetizes his value.

The journey of understanding our receptive side as men means we can nurture, empathize and understand at deeper resonant levels, but losing our masculine fire and fierceness presents a problem. This is an essential stage and knows that no stage of development is the final stop.

When we choose to focus on cultivating healthy masculine qualities of that is our core essence then naturally with a certain level of openness, we will tap into our expressive feminine in just the right doses for ourselves and our relationships.

This is the next evolution of man. But we cannot throw away our capacity for strong masculine posture – independence, self-trust, strength, honour, utility in the world. Whilst these qualities are not limited to masculinity or men, they flourish within the masculine paradigm.

Focus on your core essence and balance will become more available. And with honouring your truth and experiencing balance comes deeper relatability.

One is glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



I Am Still Here – WE Are Still Here

In the very short time I have been present on this planet I have had (like many of us) what I call a range of diverse and deep experiences. I have been plummeted in to the depths and chasms of despair, suffering and pain, yet I am still here.

Man’s Greatest Pain

A personal story from a very visceral place…

To not live in our potential. To not be self-actualised. To not express our gifts in the world. To hold back the innate power to give, create and provide life support to our journey and to those who need it are some of our greatest pain.

Acknowledge Your Pain

There is no shame in acknowledging our pain.

When man hides his grief with anger we all suffer. I was excessively angry for so long. Blaming others for my repeated “misfortunes”, snapping at those I loved and hating on everything that went “wrong” in my life.

Sexual Intelligence – The Distinction Between Purpose & Surrender

Purpose needn’t stem from either the masculine nor the feminine. It can simply arise through the body, the heart or one’s temperament. If we surrender to that deep purpose we are being authentic. Therefore, there is an equal immersion in to surrendering to the deep purpose…

The Magnetic Holding

There is a calmness that comes from knowing you are held. When a woman knows she is held and seen for who she truly is there is placidity that unravels within the chasms of her heart space.

There is a peacefulness that comes from being known for who you truly are. A peace that tells our bodies we no longer need to pretend. We no longer need to exert so much energy towards the masks of excess protection.


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