Transcending Into The Ethereal in Sacred Union

Intimate sexual union is more about harmonizing the energetic poles between two beings than it is about reaching a particular “state”. The greatest “mistake” we make though is thinking that harmonization is a dulling down of our polarities or expression in order to be in some type of mundane state or balance… Quite the contrary.

Sexual exploration of self, another and/or each other (one and the same really) is heightened and amplified when each individual is in their core sexual energy (either masculine or feminine). Here, amplification unravels in order to collapse. Two become one, separate becomes whole, the distinction becomes fullness.

There is often fear around this because we feel that we are losing ourselves… We are… We are stripping back the ego layers of self in order to recognise a cosmic consciousness that exists beyond our normative sensory reckoning. We dissolve who we are in order to become who we have always been, yet cannot see.

In orgasm, there is a split moment where there is such intensity in the presence where all else is released. All forms, names and identity disappear ever so quickly, only to come back ever so quickly and there is at times a longing or even disappointment that we are “back” into our normal existence.

So, we chase that high again, that communion and union with that heightened sensation. We are chasing it, hungry for it and we think it’s an orgasm. However, it is not solely in orgasm. It is more in the intention we define for ourselves. How we know ourselves and then enact that into the world.

The deeper the deliberateness of this intention, the more powerful the transcendence of the physical into the ethereal. Harmonizing ourselves does not mean minimizing our true nature. It means allowing the facade of form to dissipate and amplify our core essence.

From here and only from here when we merge our core essence with the core essence of another like a magnet can we live beyond the constraints of our conditioning. Sexual polarity runs through all of us. It begins with discovering who we truly are and wish to be and allowing sexual union to be sacred.

One is glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



The Deal With “Feminine” Men

A hyper-feminized man has often received projection from a parent enmeshing with them and “needing” unconscious intimacy from their children, as they are not receiving it from their partners. This has caused the man to shut down his masculine essence and presence, whilst appeasing and prioritizing others and entertaining the unhealthy aspects of his feminine due to the codependent nature of his relationship with one or both of his parents.

Man’s Greatest Pain

A personal story from a very visceral place…

To not live in our potential. To not be self-actualised. To not express our gifts in the world. To hold back the innate power to give, create and provide life support to our journey and to those who need it are some of our greatest pain.

The Unrivaled Essence Of Man

What we often forget amongst rhetoric and discourse that is harmful towards the positive attributes of man is that we are in a time and space of immense transformation.

We have entered a period of relating where man and woman are uniting under the banner of sentience. Under the perspective of connectedness, wholeness and unification.

Masculine Sexual Intelligence

There is a deep intelligence that exists around conscious sexuality, especially for men. We have been so deeply disconnected from meaningful and authentic sexual connection for too long and the reality is: we do not know what we do not know.

We think and believe sexuality should be a particular way based on the fallacy of rampant and mainstream pornography and polarised and unrealistic views of romance and sexuality that we are exposed to but the truth is we are deeply disconnected from relating consciously in our sexuality and own sexual expression.

Trauma Recovery In Relationship

It can be tough. It often brings out the “worst” in us. We slip into patterns of unworthiness, self-blame, self-pity or even projected aggressiveness. Is it really the worst in us that is coming out or just old coping strategies that we are still using to deal with something that is extremely uncomfortable?


Complete this assessment to uncover the exact blocks preventing you from attracting and experiencing the love and intimacy you truly desire

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