Masculine Masks

Let’s explore wearing masculine masks ???? We generally will wear energetic masks contrary to our core essence when we feel threatened, unsafe or not fitting in. This may come from a place of being told that “we live in a man’s world”, and that is prioritized or the antithesis; that “men are useless”, so perhaps a woman steps into deeper masculine energy that isn’t really authentic to her in order to get things done. As a result, also losing trust in the masculine and often men.

Then there are men who layer masculine masks over their expression also from fear of being judged. These masks tend to be excessively violent, controlling to an extreme and exclusive beyond social standards. These men live in fear and this fear drives hyper-criticism and abusiveness. They attack first in order to defend and over protect the fragility of their sense of self. They constantly feel threatened and are non-expressive and therefore lack any form of release.

This was me for so long. I was “imbalanced”. I was shit down as a child and during my teens began to lash out that repressed rage. However, it had no understanding. You see, knowledge helps us shift our unhealthy ways. I lacked knowledge and got caught up in a habit of projecting my rage outwardly into the world. I lived in regret and I lived in perpetual distance from myself and others.

Never feeling safe enough to really allow others in, I hurt others before they could hurt me. I was living in a state of “what’s in it for me”, because I felt so depleted by it couldn’t own that because that wasn’t a “manly or masculine” thing to admit. I suffered at extremes, unresolved and unconscious pain.

I made the unconscious conscious, understood my needs, made massive shifts and humbled into transformation and multiple egoic deaths. Too much of any energetic doesn’t serve us as individuals, our relationships or society. We become too extreme and skewed in our expressive. The society promotes masculine values/energy often over feminine values. This hurts us all. Truth is we can’t know one without the other.

Mastering this enabled me to love fully and love openly, without fear.

Sometimes our past fears and pains impact our present relationships and keep us stuck in old patterns of survival. Take the Love Block assessment to break free of these patterns and let’s live and love from a place of greater connection!

If you’re in Canada or the US, you can ????TEXT QUIZ➡️(310) 388-8092 & find out how to have healthy love, or visit!

One is glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



The Force Behind Consistency

When a man embodies consistency as his mantra for optimising his life, he becomes extremely powerful. Consistency however can be trickster, allow me to explain.

When we become regular, frequent and habitual in any practice we (our brains, minds and bodies) become quite proficient at that practice.

Depth Of Honouring

Generally, men are seen or considered stable, vertical and never-changing (reliable and strong). The masculine, consciousness or conscious energy is this – but it also transitions through life as it (that expressive aspect of self becomes self-realised).

As healthy masculine men we are ever-changing in the sense not that we are not stable nor that we are fluid, but as we become conscious we evolve and we evolve in to new ways of expression, being and viewing reality.

The End Of An Era Of Isolation

I spent so much of my life not being heard, not being felt, not being seen, understood or connected to. I spent so much of my life attempting to appease and please others. Suffering myself and demoting my needs and values and elevating others at the expense of my own.

Tapping Into Your Feminine Expression

Focus on your core essence of masculinity. Strengthen your healthy masculine expression and posture. Do this and your feminine expression will reveal itself as required when relevant.
This can be a sensitive subject… Women and men are different – culturally, biologically, hormonally. We also share so many similarities in terms of the full spectrum of the human experience. We are more the same than we are different, however, we need to celebrate both and also account for the difference.

Repressing Longings Hurts Others

When we repress our deep longings, we hurt others.

Importantly, we hurt and deny ourselves of pleasure and joy. When we do this, we limit our expression and the quality of relationships we can receive in our lives.


Complete this assessment to uncover the exact blocks preventing you from attracting and experiencing the love and intimacy you truly desire

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