The One Thing That Creates Connection, Depth, and Intimacy

A man of deepened nobility responds to the actual and relies on the real to shape his mind and heart. We often create stories about how our reality plays out. These stories we create are often based on old unprocessed and unknown fear and wounding. Fear of being rejected, yelled at, told we’re wrong, being shamed and more…

These stories we create are here to protect us from being hurt. We are being reactive. It’s what the brain does really well. The issue is what we once faced is no longer really present but parts of us are just being extra safe to not get hurt. These stories then inform our behavior and sense of self. We often “overprotect” ourselves based on these unresolved wounds.

This pushes people away, keeps us playing small, hiding and in fear. We want intimacy and connection but struggle to create it because we are running internal mental, emotional and spiritual programs of fear.

I ran these programs for years. It kept me from engaging authentically and really connecting in-depth and intimacy. It wasn’t until I began to clear the baggage and the trauma of the past and started creating new stories based on what was actually happening instead of project the past into the now that I began to live a meaningful life – connected sex, outward success, genuine friendships, enhanced opportunities and sincere love.

When men own their space and live in their truth, when our actions match our words and we move through our fears, we stop pretending and start owning living life unapologetically from a place of inclusivity and love. We don’t overreact, get angry and aggressive and criticize or stonewall those we love out of pre-emptive fear of being hurt.

One is glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



The 5 Things You Can Do When You Are Being Gaslighted

Gaslighting, rather than it being a psychological pathology, is a character trait that’s associated with narcissism and being anti-social. It involves manipulation, controlling, and making their “victims” question their reality or make them feel vulnerable and confused.

Love Learns From The Past

In a relationship, we often let our past infiltrate our present. We allow our unconscious and unresolved wounding to dictate how we behave, how we treat others and how we see ourselves.
The ego simply wants to protect us, to keep us safe and help us remain in what is familiar to us. The ego-self is not “bad.”. The ego is simply grounding us and what it knows, keeping our bodies minds and the emotional being safe and away from harm.

The Wounded Feminine

This energy resides within all of us. Today let’s speak to the wounded feminine within a woman’s body. When a woman is in her wounded or shadow feminine, she is suffering.
This suffering is projected into the world as low self-worth. Nearly every action comes from a place of deficit, feeling not enough and needing to be seen and validated in unhealthy ways, a woman will compromise her values, integrity and commitments to self.

Our Untapped Power

“See before you can see”.

There is so much that we don’t ‘see’ with our eyes. Whilst our eyes play such an important role in directing the course of our lives reality, ‘there is more to us than meets the eye’…

We are intuitive beings connected to our environment. Multidimensional, multifaceted and multi learning beings.

10 Things You Shouldn’t Hide From Your Partner

If you are grounded in higher self-worth within yourself, couldn’t you just be you? If you believed in what you offered and were confident and less attached to the outcome of how someone or something must be, why would you hide?

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