Why You May Be Attracting an Effeminate Man In Intimacy

We learn at a young age to wear masks to protect ourselves and be part of the “in” or popular group. We seek validation, approval and acceptance of those we deify, love and respect (aka our parents, peers and society).

We can’t maintain this. We seek to be accepted in all the wrong ways. Masculine and feminine energies exist in all of us. They are simply contrasted energetic expressions of our thoughts, beliefs and reality.

Our society prioritizes masculine energy. The external expression is over-valuing (at the expense of the feminine) productivity, status, accomplishment, goals, hierarchy and possessions.

We have lost our inner balance. As children we want to be part of the status quo, so we tend to conform. For little girls, they may be told by their mother to never rely on a man, or her father dominates and wants to make her stronger. So, she wears a masculine mask.

Later, as a teenager she witnesses men attracted to other females who are more feminine, so she puts a feminine mask on. As an adult, she learns to put on a strong masculine mask again because she has been hurt and she is in a cut-throat environment.

We attract similarity because we feel emotionally safe and comfortable but when it comes to a strong sexual polarity and energetic we crave the opposite. If our core expression (not necessarily essence) is masculine we will yearn for a feminine energetic.

We need to unpack our wounding and remove the masks. A female in dominant masculine expression can move more into her feminine by tapping into her compassionate and soft heart. Practice vulnerability, create space for creativity, focus on giving and receiving love and filling her senses with bliss and mystery. Moving away from structure, rigidity and incessant goal-orientated behaviour can help activate the core feminine essence. 

One is glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



The Inner Wounded Child

See that little child in your lover. There is a little one inside each of us.
We become confused because when we are hurt by the actions of adults. We see adults who “should know better”. We witness mature, developed adults taking actions that are hurtful, malicious & laden with intent.

A Healthy And Embodied Masculine Man

Your ability to be a HEALTHY and embodied masculine man will be dependent on how RESILIENT and TOUGH you are WILLING to be.

Let’s just speak to two expressions or components for healthy masculinity. Sure, there are many – presence, compassion, confidence, clarity, honesty, truth, openness, vulnerability, decisiveness, introspective, magnetic, robust, adaptability, expansive, singular and so much more.

Soul Stimulation

Turn your sexual stimulation into “soul stimulation”. YES, please stimulate your physical sexuality AND elevate your soul through your sex.

If your soul embodies all of that which you and that ALL is, then your sex accesses the whole and unified experience that is you. In that moment of divine bliss, there is you, there is the other and there is a merging and blending into wholeness.

Are You Afraid Of Being Alone?

How much time do you spend with yourself? We are so drowned out by the millions of voices, the busyness, the clutter, the bombardment of ‘do this’, ‘buy that’ and ‘be this’, that we have forgotten our true nature.

Transcending Into The Ethereal in Sacred Union

Intimate sexual union is more about harmonizing the energetic poles between two beings than it is about reaching a particular “state”. The greatest “mistake” we make though is thinking that harmonization is a dulling down of our polarities or expression in order to be in some type of mundane state or balance… Quite the contrary.


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