The Inner Wounded Child

See that little child in your lover. There is a little one inside each of us.

We become confused because when we are hurt by the actions of adults. We see adults who “should know better”. We witness mature, developed adults taking actions that are hurtful, malicious & laden with intent.

We blame, shame & project just like they have upon us. We cannot see beyond their actions & their harm. Can you see the wounded 7 yr old in that person that is hurting you? Can you feel their pain? They are suffering so much that they cannot self-regulate, they are in panic, fear & stress? Has this ever been you?

I am not suggesting you excuse behaviour that is harmful (emotional, psychological or physical). You must set healthy boundaries, know your worth & stand in what you value. I am suggesting compassion. How do we break the cycles of harm & wounding if we cannot see beyond the actions & look deeper into the source?

Most harmful actions towards others come from a place of wanting to protect ourselves, we are coming from fear, we are defensive & we are acting in the only way we know how. Our protective coping strategies once served us as children, but as adults tend to push those we love away.

Seeing the inner wounded child that didn’t receive the love, appraisal, approval & care within ourselves & others can defuse & redirect the outburst. We can begin to take responsibility, feel safer within, protected & not so volatile.

My childhood was full of violence, fear, tension, volatility, absence & confusion. Unchecked, I brought this into my adult relationships. Mimicking what was unresolved, unprocessed yet familiar. I was verbally abusive, distant, & unpredictable in my thoughts & actions.

I was a product of my environment & I chose to not change that because the pain & processing it was too intense until I was left with no choice. Leaving a trail of disaster, I chose to see & hold that little boy within in a way that my parents couldn’t. I learned to reparent myself.

I help others discover their power through inner child integration & healing the past so that it doesn’t live in the present. If you are tired of repeating painful patterns in relationship, contact me.

One is glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



Our Untapped Power

“See before you can see”. There is so much that we don’t ‘see’ with our eyes. Whilst our eyes play such an important role in directing the course of our lives reality, ‘there is more to us than meets the eye’… We are intuitive beings connected to our environment. Multidimensional, multifaceted and multi learning beings.

The Art of Holding Space: Navigating Trauma with Compassion and Strength

In the delicate dance of healing, trauma survivors often harbor a deep fear of overwhelming their supporters, fearing their pain might be ‘too much.’ Helpers must embody empathy and strength, offering a safe haven for healing without being engulfed by the trauma narrative. This dynamic fosters trust, allowing survivors to confront and move beyond their shame, while helpers must navigate their own journeys of pain to truly empathize and support. In this shared vulnerability, a profound connection emerges, blurring the lines between helper and survivor, and transforming the journey into a unified path of healing.

Overcoming Regret

Regret can eat us away. It keeps us locked into a past that was not meant for us anyway. It distracts us from being present and in gratitude. The active and deliberate practice of gratitude releases serotonin. This reinforces a sense of appreciation for the ‘now’ moment and the people in that now moment, forming deeper bonds.

Sacred Sexual Union


When we are having sex we are literally INSIDE of another human being. This level of intimacy at a physical level is profound. It can open every other faculty of being we have access to.

For this degree of sacredness to exist, we must both exist. For the feminine body to feel safe to be this exposed & open she must trust. To be trustworthy, we must fully open as men & be transparent.

To Ravage and Ravish

See beyond man and woman for a moment.

You want to ravage and ravish the feminine in your life… Then be safety, be heart-centered presence, be consistent, be that container you are meant to be.

For the feminine to open herself up, to flower to you, to show herself fully the masculine must meet her where she is. The masculine must learn to lead that dance.


Complete this assessment to uncover the exact blocks preventing you from attracting and experiencing the love and intimacy you truly desire

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