Step Into The Light

I spent most of my life living in the dark. Either pretending I had no shadow or only wanting to focus on my “good side”. And even now, when feeling extreme pressure or convenient I revert to that place. Whether it is a new year, decade, month or day. I am making a choice right here and right now. That choice is to stop polarizing and start embracing all of me, not just the convenient parts.

There is light and dark in all of us. We live in contrast. We like to avoid what is perceived as ugly, “not good” or bad. We are shamed in to only presenting the best of us. This is unrealistic and unattainable.

So I choose to thrive in responsibility and ownership of all of me. I choose to release my attachment to the habits that have distanced me from embracing my woman, empowering my voice, and the pursuit and embodiment of my dreams, truth and power. I have lived most of my life in anger, frustration, agitation, have lacked compassion and have forgotten my worth.

I have acted out of fear of being rejected, abandoned or being seen. Because of this, I have reacted from pain. I have presented myself from a place of facade – pretending to be someone I am not to appease, fit in, stand out or dominate.

Yes, I have made many deep and visceral changes the last many years and still, these are parts of me arise within me at times. Deny them? No. Repress them? What is the point? Embrace them? Yes, why not? They are a part of who I have been. My relationship with them has and is shifting. This is important to recognize.

Who we are today is not necessarily who we were AND who we are today is also because (at least in part) of who we were. So, for me, I am choosing to embrace all the parts that make me, well me. All the parts that I have neglected and abandoned. All the parts that have taught me something about my purpose, my pleasure and my passions.

My commitment to me, the cosmos and you is to show up as I am as often as possible. To forgive, yet be accountable to my standards. To soften when needed, open my heart, yet be fierce in who I am at my core. For me, my beloved and all of humanity. I thank you for you and honour you in all of the ways.

One is glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



Men, How Can You Be A Safe Harbor For Your Women?

Men! Be predictable in behavior. Show up being safe in how you deal with challenge and difficulty. Yes, you can still be mysterious and spontaneous in your sexuality, love languages and the way you treat your queen. But be consistent in how you show up to arguments and the needs of your partner.

The Expansive Masculine

When my mother sent me some old pictures of when I was child, my heart opened and memories came flooding back to me. I saw an innocent little boy with a massive smile on his face.

Yet the happy times were outweighed massively by the sadness and fear I experienced. Overtime that little boy learned that closing down his heart was the best way to protect himself. Then he grew up to be a man that was shut down because of a his pain.

Choose Wisely Whom You Share Yourself With

ometimes we go TOO FAR outside of ourselves to define who we are. We are greater than we often think…

Who we spend our time with influences who we become. Who we allow ourselves to be with impacts the quality of our path.

Our Head – Her Womb

Where is the most amazing place to be? The most sacred? The most profound and the most connected? The immediate response is within our own sovereignty and our own being. Here is where we cultivate real and authentic power.

The Place Beyond Knowing

There is a place – a space that occupies the sub structures of our minds that resides beyond the conscious self.

This place is what we do not know, what we are not aware of and what is not familiar.

It is here in this place where there is so much that we know, yet are unaware of. Here, there is a story being constructed that we are architecting, it has no idea.


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