The World I Have Come To Know

As I sit and watch, observe the world around me behave, watching my nephews eat and people stroll, walk and run past I can’t help but to feel the world around me…

Ever since I was a child I could really FEEL the world, people and their pain. I would feel their pain in order to not feel alone in the world. I also experienced so much of it myself that I wanted to help others with their pain.

As I reflect deeper on this I see there was definitely part of me projecting my suppressed pain in order to feel better about myself and share my suffering so I wasn’t alone and the other parts were my intuition really “seeing” what was below the surface of often what was pretend for people.

Society told me overtly and in more subtle ways that feeling others and myself in this way was not acceptable especially for a man. So I numbed it and stepped into a more aggressive version of myself, hating on myself whenever I was to feel the hurt of myself or others.

With all of the deep work I have done, the psychological and spiritual “pits of hell” I have often traversed I seem to be at a crossroads still… and we often will be when we choose to expand. Side note. The work doesn’t end per se.

I am now choosing what I perceive, intuit and sense as truth on a deeper level without judgment, doubt or from an unhealthy place. The crossroads is there is still an internal battle of breaking the old patterns…

That’s part of the journey, awakening and the growth. I accept where I am and I am excited for the possibility this acceptance brings…

One is glad to be of service


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



The Authentic Art Of Courting

When courting or in the pursuit of intimate relationship we place the grandest version of ourselves forward. We present what we perceive to be the what the ‘other’ desires, needs or wants…

The Masculine Within

What happens when the masculine within leaves? All the times we’ve neglected ourselves didn’t trust, obsessed with excessive and external validation and approval and couldn’t contain our power, we lost our ability to love ourselves as we were.
We judged and didn’t appreciate. We felt unprotected, loose in our boundaries and excessive in our ways. Aggressive, short-tempered and sad that we were not seen. This is a big part of the “father wounding”.

Fatherhood: The Blueprint of a Child’s Future

Fathers are often viewed as monumental figures in the family unit, symbolizing protection, guidance, and moral integrity. They instill a sense of discipline, order, and security in their children’s lives. This significant influence of fathers on their children’s identity and self-perception highlights the importance of a father’s emotional and spiritual health. Fathers need to harmoniously embody a range of roles – as a leader, a spiritual guide, a protector, and an empathetic companion.

Assuming the role of fatherhood entails a substantial, almost sacred, responsibility. It demands profound self-awareness, a commitment to personal growth, and the versatility to adopt multiple roles. As I navigate the path of fatherhood, I delve deep into my values and character, reflecting on my identity, aspirations, and the legacy I wish to create.

Masculine Sexual Health

If we do not choose to connect deeply to those we share our sexual energy with, then who are we, why are we and what are we to ourselves? There is nothing ‘wrong’ with hedonistic urges and practices. This is a beautiful place to be and is necessary for us as men to explore in order to initially define ourselves, our needs, values and postures…

How To Create Deeper Intimacy & Explosive Sex

There are a million one ways to create connection and depth in relationship. I could go deep in to techniques, secrets and the subtleties of behaviour and human interaction and the reality is if we don’t explore ourselves first and are willing to venture in to the unknown, it’s a fruitless task.

Something that is massively overlooked in our world today is selflessness and giving. Moving beyond the first stage of intimate relating of selfishness and a focus of “what can I get from this relationship”, in to: “what can I give to this relationship”?


Complete this assessment to uncover the exact blocks preventing you from attracting and experiencing the love and intimacy you truly desire

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