Childhood Neglect

  1. Your basic needs were not met
  2. You lacked guidelines and structure
  3. Your primary caregivers put you down
  4. You were never or rarely praised
  5. You grew up in scarcity
  6. You grew up in violence, fear and Volatility
  7. You were criticised and judged as a child
  8. Your primary caregivers worked excessively
  9. You didn’t feel heard or seen
  10. You were not attended to in an appropriate way
  11. You were never shown affection such as a hug
  12. When you expressed a painful emotion you were not met with empathy or compassion
  13. You were called names by your parents
  14. Your parents did not defend you

We suffer when we neglect ourselves and when we do not own who we are. So many of us grew up in disconnection from our families, unprotected from those we were meant to trust, unseen and unforgiven. I experienced hardship like many of us – physical abuse, violence, volatility in the home, shame and projected judgment.

My parents were in pain and chose to pass it on to myself and my brother. What has happened to you in not your responsibility. How you deal with it is. What you choose to do with all the gifts are so important. It shapes your destiny.

For me, until I chose to embrace all of me – the shadow, the dark experiences, the repressed fears and the pain I could not FEEL, nor BE free… Freedom was an embrace of all of who I was. Who are you?

What do you need right now in order to thrive? Support, a space to voice your fears, non-judgement? What does the love within you screaming to be heard need right now? Compassion? Empathy? Can you give this two yourself? Can you fully feel yourself in this place?

Your spark is needed. You have NO RIGHT to deny the world of your brilliance and of your light. Your light cannot shine if your darkness is not revealed. You needn’t live there, you simply need to meet yourself where you truly are. Never seen, never heard, can you feel fully this in order to RELEASE and forgive?

Forgiveness is tokenistic unless the feelings around those circumstances are fully felt, expressed and released at a visceral level. You are ready and you are here. Find your tribe, find your voice and believe in your power. Your stories needn’t define you. You get to define you here and now…

One is glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



To Ravage In Sacred Intimacy

To ravage our lovers and our beloved on sacred union (however you choose to define this) is to be fully present, is to expose the beauty and wonder of who we are.

The Truthful Gaze

It can be difficult to honor ourselves. Self-love and self-honoring haven’t been a priority for the collective. We have become more accustomed to obsessing as opposed to healthy honor and worship of others instead of ourselves.

What if we could use the act of HEALTHY worship of another to provide us with deep insight in to our own worth? What if the healthy, non-attached, compassionate, wise and cosmic worship of another allowed us to see our worthiness and value?

Better OUT than IN

My beautiful grandmother would tell me to never hold farts in. In Italian, she would say often “Always out, never in.” I remember this distinctly, and then she would burp and I would laugh hysterically. She was the best! I then would run around farting and get excited to go to the toilet haha! I now often think about the real life implications of ‘out’.

Be In Existential Curiosity

You are not in an existential crisis, you are in existential curiosity. Be aware of the distinction and transcendence that awaits…

Honouring Those We Love

A heartfelt tribute to our connected humanity… Please feel… How do we honour those we feel deeply for, those we are bonded to? We revere them for exactly what they are, how they show up and how they present themselves. How do we allow others to be who they are..?


Complete this assessment to uncover the exact blocks preventing you from attracting and experiencing the love and intimacy you truly desire

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