The Illusion Of Separation

We have never been separated. Whilst we are different in so many ways, we are a mirror of the variance that is us that we cannot ‘see’ nor feel from the first person.

Our difference is our power. Our differences are what bond and unite us. Our differences are what allow us to be empowered.

Our ability to leverage each other’s strengths and aptitude is predicated upon our willingness to see beyond aesthetics and the superficial difference being perceived as a hindrance.

We are ‘separate’ so that we may come together in power. We are apart so that we may unite, bond and thrive in prowess.

We express indifference so that we may understand, know and feel each other from the perspective of wholeness. We are apart so that we may know that all that we require, are, have been and ever will be us within us.

To embrace this is to move in full wholeness. To live this truth is to be in the world complete. This removes the need for unhealthy codependency, a perception of inadequacy, low self-worth and victimhood.

When we realize deeply we are all we need to be as we are because of what we notice in others is actually held within ourselves we then become free to CHOOSE openly from inspiration, not desperation.

Now, we have healthy beings bonding, uniting, connecting, loving, feeling and merging in healthy, clear, sacred and whole union.

No longer are we living from fear and doubt but rather from presence, appreciation and profound gratitude. We have never been separate…

One is glad to be of service.

Image credit: Will Francis


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



To Love Deeply All Women, We Must Love Profoundly One Woman

There is something deep that unravels within each man when he commits to anything of substance. Particularly, when he connects to the power of intimate relating. The unbridled commitment shared sparks something cosmic and yet grounding in the feminine.

The World I Have Come To Know

As I sit and watch, observe the world around me behave, watching my nephews eat and people stroll, walk and run past I can’t help but to feel the world around me…

Ever since I was a child I could really FEEL the world, people and their pain. I would feel their pain in order to not feel alone in the world. I also experienced so much of it myself that I wanted to help others with their pain.

How Repressed Trauma Is Expressed

It’s the stuff that we choose to forget because it’s too painful to remember. Too difficult to face. What we must understand is that these fears and pains that we shove deep down and choose to forget are still there itching and scraping to be heard.

Close Your Eyes – Open Your Soul

Imagine moving close to the one that tantalises the sensation of alertness on your skin, but not too close.

Visualise your body making ever the slightest of contact on the body of your beloved for the first time, then immediately pulling away.

Feel your breath become more rapid with anticipation.

A Man’s Suffering

You would think this wouldn’t be that hard to have in modern world. However, we are missing this. Men are overworked, depressed, repressed, isolated, numb and in excess pursuit of values such as status that does not serve.

Our boys are still growing in to adult bodies without effective rites of passage, without the confidence, wisdom, knowledge and skills. They are essentially left to fend for themselves and figure it out alone.


Complete this assessment to uncover the exact blocks preventing you from attracting and experiencing the love and intimacy you truly desire

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