The Warrior Within

Life can be daunting, life can be overwhelming, life can appear so big! The ‘bigness’ can be f*****g scary!

We ‘think’ that we are not as good as why we are. We devalue ourselves, we minimize our power, we place ourselves lower than what we are.

How do we come in to a space of self-reverence? Where we know our power and we needn’t question our abilities when it comes to expressing our truth?

Life can appear so big that we make ourselves so small that we forget who we actually are. In this forgetting we place protective masks upon the way we present in order to keep safe.

Keeping safe becomes a priority. We shutdown our ‘loudness’ so that we are not noticed and this minimizes the chances of us remaining intact.

There is a warrior though that resides with that can rise above all of this. There is a warrior within that has the capacity to be true to the inner self.

The warrior within is not only there to protect but it is also there to create a space for the inner child within to explore and to be free and to be courageously and organically self-expressed.

The warrior within has a capacity to battle any struggle. But here it is – we needn’t always battle. It’s not always about fighting.

It’s about congruent expression. There is a time to ‘fight’ but it needn’t be permanent. It needn’t be continual.

The cultivated posture of courage and acting on who we are is our warrior presence and power.

It is this expressive power that will stand strong and vertical against oppression, extremity, abhorrence and incessant fear.

Your warrior is always more stable than the greatest pain you may experience…

One is glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



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