Boy Or Man?

MEN ARE FUCKING GOOD!!! There are immature “boy-men” that have never grown up, constantly stuck in their pain and in avoidance. These men though are not to be shamed.

This perpetuates more distance. Then… there are MEN who have done the work, forgiven their past, have allowed themselves to feel and choose love over patterns of fear.

Boys need to be children. When the boy comes out in a man, it is to be in a healthy, playful manner. Not in immaturity and a regression in to an uncontrollable wounded version of an earlier self.

Boys take
Men give

Boys are false
Men are real

Boys play games
Men are decisive

Boys assume
Men ask

Boys are perpetually confused
Men simply know

Boys are selfish
Men are selfless

Boys scream extreme
Men are balanced

Boys resent
Men forgive

Boys mindlessly chase
Men await with patience

Boys are shallow
Men carry depth

Boys are inconsistent
Men are stable

Boys do not help others
Men share their gifts

Boys act from fear
Men act from wisdom

Boys distract easily
Men are committed

Boys avoid
Men face

Boys cheat
Men own

Boys numb
Men feel

Boys are undependable
Men are relied upon

Boys are ignored
Men are revered

Boys never “grow up” nor “grow-in”
Men transcend

What others would you add to this?

One is glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



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