The Place Beyond Knowing

There is a place – a space that occupies the sub structures of our minds that resides beyond the conscious self.

This place is what we do not know, what we are not aware of and what is not familiar.

It is here in this place where there is so much that we know, yet are unaware of. Here, there is a story being constructed that we are architecting, it has no idea.

In this place we are cultivating versions of ourselves that are fun, creative, aligned, value driven and present. In this place we believe in possibility.

This unconscious residing within is an access point to greater potential. To the untapped potential we good within.

Our dreams, our passions, our drives, our aspirations, what we believe may be possible, our challenges for growth… It all resides here.

But how do we access this? We access this through conscious contemplation. Deliberate and active thought and attention directed towards who we truly are and wish to be.

In my own life I have often lived to the beat of another’s drum. Whether it be attempting to satisfy my father, seek validation from others to justify my existence and self-worth or follow the status quo, I have avoided my purity of unique truthful expression.

It was not until I awoke to the facade that chose to transform my being in to one of alignment. One of depth and satisfaction, one of congruency and power.

One that was more me, without fear and more connected and whole. We all have the capacity to be this person who emanates their own light.

When we break through the fear and stigma of being ostracized, judged, critiqued, excluded and/or humiliated we breathe deeply and begin to live humbly and grounded in our own selves.

Now the clutter is removed and we are simply we… This, thus far has been my journey and continues to be and for this I am eternally grateful.

This authentic and open unraveling can be yours also if you wish to explode silently or loudly in to the world as a real and consciously chosen version of you.

Men, if you’re ready… That path awaits you…

One is glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



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What Is Your Sexual Character?

Do you deny yourself of love? Do you deem yourself worthy of affection?

Are you chasing others in order to elevate your worth? Are you pursuing the elusive and stuck in fantasy?

Do you trust your heart? Can you trust others?


Complete this assessment to uncover the exact blocks preventing you from attracting and experiencing the love and intimacy you truly desire

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