The Decisive Nature Of Man

Can you leap fully in to the life you choose and be all in?

Can you commit fully to what you value deeply?

Do you know what you value?

Have you the courage to posture your truth?

Can you be present to your needs?

Own them? Feel them? Give them to the world?

Can you make decisions based on your power?

Can you recognize that your greatest source of power is your core essence?

Can you truly decide to shatter the shackles of your perceived limitations?

Do you have willingness to be who the world needs you to be?

Can you release your fears around abandonment, rejection and humiliation and take ownership of all that you are?

Can you see yourself as valuable and necessary so that you may act in accordance with this?

Can you decided on your path and remain committed to your growth?

Can you be decisive enough to be resilient to the pressures of life?

Can you extend your breaking point to accommodate expansion?

Can you decide on the life you wish to live AND LEAD and embrace it?

Can you move through the shame of failing and realize that failure is feedback and that the only shame is that of not doing?

Can you be consistent and safe in your decisions, so that others may feel your presence?

The decisiveness of man is predicated upon his ability to know himself at depth with consistent presence. If you wish to be this man click the link in comments. Your time is NOW…

One is glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



The Heavier the Rock, The Lighter the Mind

And… Not always. Without, what I call the practice of ‘Vertical Masculine Presence’ as men we can become lost in our movement through the world. This model of ‘Vertical Masculine Presence’ consists of 6 key practices. Let’s unpack them!

The Pain Of Change – The Pain Of Control

Most recently I have experienced the pain of change, difference, the unknown and the difficulty that comes with not knowing if life will play out as I wish or foresee it to you.

The battle within with respect to creating a a balance of allowing and not being attached to taking ‘active action’ and being hyper focused – the internal tug of war of contrast and when to play the card of each…

Man’s Greatest Pain

A personal story from a very visceral place…

To not live in our potential. To not be self-actualised. To not express our gifts in the world. To hold back the innate power to give, create and provide life support to our journey and to those who need it are some of our greatest pain.

The Resplendent Queen


For all of the women and the empowered, clear feminine within that have touched my life and impacted me… My queen, my muse – Christine, I love you and thank you for all that you are.

The vast women carrying so much depth, wisdom, reverence for men and clarified maturity who are entering my perception is humbling.

The Wounded Boy-Like Masculine

Right now our world needs structure, healthy transparency, a sense of healthy confidence and an ability to put away the ego and come together in greater harmony and compassion.

The wounded aspects of self are rising to the surface in a rapid way for both the feminine and masculine wounding. This means that we will feel more pressure, more pain and more uncertainty.


Complete this assessment to uncover the exact blocks preventing you from attracting and experiencing the love and intimacy you truly desire

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