The Illusion of Awakening: Navigating a Divided World

In our quest for acceptance and belonging, we inadvertently perpetuate judgment and segregation. The world appears “woke,” yet it remains far from truly awakened. We are consumed with how we are perceived, and political correctness has spiraled out of control, while appeasement reigns supreme. But are we truly uniting in healthy ways, or merely succumbing to coercive measures?

Amidst the chaos, one thing is clear: the more we learn, the more we realize how little we know. Unfortunately, this awareness is overshadowed by a pervasive narrative of disempowerment that spreads mass fear. In our pursuit of global unity, we have resorted to systems like the Amero, the Euro, and the UN, not for noble reasons such as social equity or poverty alleviation, but for control.

We find ourselves trapped in a global situation where control over sentient beings has become the norm. The beast of systemic oppression grows unchecked, and to some extent, we all contribute to its expansion. Tyranny is allowed to thrive, while we passively observe, struggling to comprehend the unfolding reality. Fear, anger, and confusion continue to drive our reactive behaviors, permeating every aspect of society. This is not a conspiracy; it is a subtle but undeniable manifestation of people’s fears.

In the midst of this chaos, it becomes crucial to ask ourselves: Who are we? What do we value? Where does our truth lie? Are our actions rooted in authenticity or influenced by external forces?

Rather than conforming to the extremity of a culture that promotes “wokeness,” I choose to remain aware and mindful of the unraveling world around me. Love, not the illusion of being “woke,” guides my intentions. I acknowledge that the current woke culture critiques any ideology that does not align with its own, creating a world of divisiveness and judgment.

As we navigate this tumultuous landscape, we must strive for a delicate balance between freedom and justice. Where do we find ourselves in this delicate equilibrium? It is a question that warrants introspection, discussion, and collective action.

In a world desperate for true awakening, let us rise above the superficial and divisive narratives. Let us embrace empathy, understanding, and genuine connection. Only then can we truly progress toward a world that transcends the limitations of judgment, fear, and control.

Together, we can dismantle the illusion of awakening and embark on a journey toward a more unified and enlightened future.

One is glad to be of service


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



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