The Humble Man To The Sacredness Of Woman

There are awakened, humble and open men in this world WILLING to adore and to revere the sacredness of woman – to lead with prowess and to be open to being lead…

There are awakened and open men ready to SEE the sacredness of woman for who she truly is.

There are awakened and open men who deeply miss the sacredness of woman when she is not near. Not from desperation, but because her essence inspires him profoundly.

There are awakened and open men who are yearning to listen intently, feel the sacredness of woman fully and help her melt away her concerns and troubles.

There are awakened and open men who will see beyond the superficial, because they truly understand the authentic expression of that individual spark of feminine consciousness.

There are awakened and open men who are yearning to give to the one woman that may receive his presence, cock and consciousness fully and from a place of sanctity.

There are awakened and open men who wish to feel the beating heart of the sacred woman and therefore embrace her truth as he embraces her body.

There are awakened and open men who value the time and dedication of the sacred woman and who wish to serve from a place of wholeness.

There are awakened and open men who wish to surprise the sacredness of woman with live, affection and expansive diversity because simply, she is worth it.

There are awakened and open men who will make love to the sacredness of woman, who will take her and hold her, ravage and be sensual with her, feel her and lead with strength and grace.

There are awakened and open men that will hold the sacredness of woman so that they may be close in heart and soul.

There are awakened and open men who have catapulted deeply in love with the soul essence of his sacred woman.

There are awakened and open men who will love so profoundly that the only way this story begins, continues and ends is “and through it all they continue to flourish, deepen trust, expand intimacy and grow in joy”.

‘A tribute to my queen and inspired by her person’…


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



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