Stef Sifandos
Relational Alchemist, Community Builder & Changemaker

The Cost Of Freedom

The price we pay for expansive freedom is feeling the pain of releasing the old that no longer serves us. The price we pay for freedom is releasing ourselves from the shackles of limitation and what holds us back from living our truth, our presence and our authentic being.

The cost of freedom is our ignorance, are our fears, our doubts, our confusion and our misplaced mistrusting minds. We pay for freedom with the quietening down of our monkey mind. Freedom from our fears comes at a cost and expression now becomes limitless.

It means no longer being familiar with what once was all we knew. Freedom means at times being unrecognisable to others. Leaving the ‘old world’ behind for the prospect of living in congruency, empowerment and expansiveness.

Freedom, in this context means re-evaluating, reshuffling and reorganising the entirety of what we know and feel to be real. The price for freedom becomes dealing with the unknown, immersion in to the mystery, playing in the dark and perhaps trading old fears for new fears, albeit temporal.

The price we pay for freedom (not living a set of continuous lies) is we now have an opportunity to confront the darkness within. The price we pay IS facing that darkness, dancing with it, just long enough to gain, learn and grow from it.

Freedom comes at many a cost… The costs stack up, but so does the value from complete immersion in to freedom. Life comes at a cost. And… So, what? Must we taint this ‘cost’ negatively? Tarnish it with a perception of ‘this is bad’? I think not.

Freedom – Growth – Expansion – Love – Truth: all synonymous terms worthy of embodied pursuit and yes, they come at a cost. Our ignorance, our limitations, our rigid beliefs, our pains, our toxic fears, our disconnection from self, others and truth, the lies we tell ourselves, the suffering we harbour.

Freedom releases us from these constructs and states. Freedom releases us from our attachment to them. Yes, they may still reside within us, but as they do, they are perceived, felt and interacted with very differently when we choose to embrace fear.

In sharing intimacy, we release the need to be right, to be in power, to fear losing, to fear being controlled, to be detached from self, to lose ourselves and so much more. When freedom is present in intimacy, we are simply present to each moment as it unravels and unfolds before us.

Freedom in intimacy is liberating and opening. Our hearts widen, deepen and expand. Our minds – less confused and in greater mastery of self. Our yearning to be seen actioned by authentic posturing and mirroring, not what we are projecting the ‘other’ demands or expects from us… Equilibrated and nuanced relating – conscious, aware, real and meaningful.

Freedom is for everyone, freedom is our natural state – yet, it can not thrive without its contrasted counterparts: fears, pain, restriction, facade, ignorance and constriction. The paradox is, that when we embrace these states, we embrace freedom and release ourselves from the burden of limitation.

Is freedom worth the price? Yes, yes it is…

One is always glad to be of service.

Stef Sifandos
Relational Alchemist, Community Builder & Changemaker
Stef Sifandos
Relational Alchemist, Community Builder & Changemaker

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