An Open Apology To The Feminine – PART I

And so we are here… We have finally arrived at a place that will either determine our inward evolution or completely break who we are and who we have the capacity to be. Will we choose sacredness in union or will we choose further division?

I am here to take a stand, to speak loudly, to scream the truth of possibility and the truth of the separation we have caused (consciously and unconsciously) through unchecked fears. There is great strength and power in ownership, in acknowledgment and in holding responsibility for self, for our past, for the collective and for the generations to come.

Does this mean we are to become passive, meek, ‘weak’ and subservient as men? This is the general consensus and fear circulating around notions of masculinity. In reality, these notions are a false belief around what it means to be a ‘real man’ holding a ‘better than’ attitude around our superficial sense of superiority that must be expressed overtly in generally a subjugating manner in order for us to feel enough, powerful or worthy.

The time to forgive ourselves, our imposed segregation, our generations prior and our actions is NOW. Choosing not to release our continual shame and guilt will only perpetuate division and cause a deeper rift between the sacred union that exists between and man and woman. We are two sides of the same coin. When we sell ourselves short of this truth we are sacrificing our evolution, we are harming all – there is no other.

Men, we must break this fear cycle. We collectively have this fear that we are being ‘feminised’. This stems from an either or mentality and one of dominance and subservience. We needn’t live from this place anymore. By acknowledging, we release our attachment to being right or holding unhealthy power.

By giving openly, we release the need to hoard power. Healthy, empowered, strong fucking kings do not become feminised. Men, do away with nonsense. Our time to rise in truth is now. A real king reveres his queen and the energy of the queen.

To truly to do this and revere ourselves for the powerful and allowing men that we are, we must release the guilt, fear, hate and the shame.

We must stand in our shit and own it all (and it hasn’t always been shit – men, we should not be demonised for being men). It is about leveraging our healthy qualities of strength, valour, stability, confidence and discerning clarity.

There are countless (actual and archetypical) examples of warrior kings who have lived for and fought for virtues associated with inclusivity, empowerment, integral power and equity. We needn’t reside in unhealthy expressions of the masculine but rather live from a place of our potential.

Our time to rise in to this power is now. Our time to merge in sacred union is now. We needn’t merge and lose our sense of self. That is the art and the next phase of our evolution. To grow in this way and not lose the essence of our individual expression. We are different and yet, we are one. 

In the next part of this story we deep dive in to a sincere apology and recognition of our divine and powerful masculinity.

One is always glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



“Shit Or Get Off The Pot”

Rise in to certainty! The above phase basically means either commit and be all in or get out of the way and stop pretending. In relationship, this translates to three key things:


Repressing Longings Hurts Others

When we repress our deep longings, we hurt others.

Importantly, we hurt and deny ourselves of pleasure and joy. When we do this, we limit our expression and the quality of relationships we can receive in our lives.

What Women Truly Desire From Their Men

This list is a guide as to how we as men can show up with greater presence, truth and awareness in relationship to self and others. Relationship can ask us to be the best versions of self.

Will you adhere to the call? We all have needs and desires. There have been times in my life that I have wanted more from others, however in reality I was really wanting more from myself.

The Essence Of A King

A reflective piece on man living in his potential…

The King is all knowing. A true king does not confine his mind to incessant and distracting chatter that deters him from wisdom. A true king knows his worth and acts in accordance with this intricate knowing…

Deep Truth – The Power Of Masculine Realisation

We must understand that the masculine and the feminine reside within both males and females and apply to both males and females for each other and for themselves. It is through allegory and story that we learn deeply and profoundly…


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