Stef Sifandos
Relational Alchemist, Community Builder & Changemaker

Desire Is NOT Toxic – Another Spin On Wanting

Wanting and desire get a bad rep – let’s flip this notion…

We think if we desire for life we are unhealthy, selfish and disconnected. We are ‘bad’ people if we desire. It is not that we are desiring, it is HOW we desire that sets the tone for our movement and existence in this life.

It becomes why we desire and the intention and energy that moves our desire. What occurs if we desire and expect and attach and do not receive what we perceived? What occurs when we are certain that that we ‘need’ an experience, ‘thing’, relationship or person and it does not transpire? How do we behave here?

We begin to understand that desiring is a natural part of life, living, being and moving in this world. Desire clarifies intention, which lends itself to taking action. Taking action liberates us from stagnation and promotes growth and full exploration of self and of life.

If we become caught in cycle of ‘empty desire’ then we lose ourselves in a perpetual state of always wanting more – never satisfied with who we are and what we have. When our desire is clear, purposeful, meaningful and connected we carry an inner knowing that as long as we are living in and on purpose, we are deliberate, mindful, open and connected in action and vision, desire does not become cumbersome but rather exciting and astounding.

Why? Because of that clarity, that inner knowing that all will transpire as it needs to. Not because of some blind notion of dissociative attachment from the integrated self, but rather because we know and feel we are doing all we can to be the most aligned, congruent and empowered version of ourselves. If we judge ourselves for ‘wanting’, then we will never progress, grow, expand or unravel – we will remain stagnant. Then we leave it to TRUST. We must trust fully ourselves first; that does not mean we do not pivot, adjust or adapt if we need to, we do and we do it from a place of growth, expansion and learning. This is where we act, have preferences in life but are not rigid and attached to these preferences, because we know that what is for us based on our integrity in action carries great wisdom.

Now, we refrain from remaining in the past wishing and hoping or projected in to the future worried whether our actions will lead us to what we think we need. We all deserve wonder. Yet, we often miss the wonder in the present because we are so concerned with a single minded idea that has perhaps reached its use by date.

Single mindedness has an integral place in our world, but only from a place of sincere self-connectedness. Want away, desire all you wish and create the experiences in life that will liberate you from depressant suffering, low self-worth, ignorance and limiting fear. You are worthy of this and so much more.

One is always glad to be of service.

Stef Sifandos
Relational Alchemist, Community Builder & Changemaker
Stef Sifandos
Relational Alchemist, Community Builder & Changemaker

Doing The Inner Work

Firstly, this isn’t a gender thing. It’s a people thing. We are often really scared of change.
This is often a tough one in relationships. We want people to change with us, to do what we do, try what we try, feel what we feel and share similar interests.
At a primal level, it is our nervous system feeling safe in the presence of familiarity. Additionally, when we share similar paths, values and interests we are all part of the “in-group”. In social psychology, this is crucial to one’s feeling of being safe and surviving.

The Ultimate Guide: What You Need For A Thriving Relationship

Think of an eloquent, delicious meal. There are generally a multitude of ingredients that contribute to that meal to make it exquisite and to enhance it fully. Alongside that, there is a process and varied inputs, timing, passion, attention, focus, consistency and so much more that makes a relationship thrive…

Man’s Version Of Creation

Creation resides at the epicentre of humanity. The feminine in the female embodied is the epitome of creation. She literally gives life. Of course not without the integrated essence of the masculine. However, the feminine carries, births, produces and houses life.

Men Will Only Play If They Think They Can Win

Why do men hate to lose and why do we live and love to win? On the surface it may appear to be a volatile feeding frenzy and this may be so. Men fight to be dominate, to be number and to be on top. And we also take in to account what is best for our group at that time. We ultimate hate being conquered and find it humiliating when we are – this ethos applies to both the individual self and the primary group by which we find ourselves a part of.

Exploring Male Consciousness

Something I have discovered in my own journey is that conscious masculine and male presence is predicated on the posture of non-judgement.

Most recently I have personally entered a vortex of releasing gross volumes of judgement from my being, from my expression and character. Traits adopted through my conditioning (societal, generational and familial) are leaving my being.

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