Stef Sifandos
Relational Alchemist, Community Builder & Changemaker

The Self-Revering Man

The man who respects, trusts and reveres himself is the man who stands in vertical awe of his own being.

This is not arrogance but rather ‘aware confidence’ and a deepened connection to self that supersedes doubt, fear and confusion.

The self-revering man is one of honour, stature, strength and stability. The man who respects himself knows himself.

The man who knows himself believes in himself. The man who believes in himself knows his range, understands his potential and acts in integrity with this gnosis and power.

The self-revering man is proud of who he is. He feels the fullness of this feeling beautifully, profoundly and intensely.

He does not falter under pressure, nor shy away from intelligent risk or immersion in to life wholly.

The self-revering man believes in his path. Resonates and connects to his actions. Thinks laterally and feels completely.

The self-revering man knows his self-worth, the value he carries and executes life from a place of deepened connection to self.

The self-revering man has traversed depth of pain within himself. He has confronted his inner demons and fears and can now respect completely his history, his place and his transition.

The self-revering man does not polarize. He allows. He embraces all that he has been, was, is and will be. He respects it all, for he intrinsically knows it all carries such value and power.

The self-revering man is authentic, open hearted and wise. He respects the journey, it’s intricacies, the challenges and difficulties.

The self-revering man extends this intra-personal reverence to others. He cares deeply for the contrast within and outside of himself.

He honors the ‘feminine’ and bows to her power, whilst recognizing his own sovereignty. The self-revering man is self-reliant and trusting of his own ability to act openly and completely.

The self-revering man is ready for growth, open minded to change and expansive in heart. He can receive earnestly for he knows he deserves completely.

Is this man you?

One is always glad to be of service.

Stef Sifandos
Relational Alchemist, Community Builder & Changemaker
Stef Sifandos
Relational Alchemist, Community Builder & Changemaker

What Is Sexual Polarity?

If we are experiencing a lack of sexual charge in our relationships it could be for many reasons, and we need to get real with what they may be – stress, disinterest, health issues, distractions, priority shifts, distance (emotional and/or physical) and more.
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