Forgive Before It’s Too Late

Why wait to forgive ourselves and our loved ones? Life can be fragile and fickle. It can pass in a brief moment. Our minds become lost, our bodies worn, our hearts ache, and our souls fractured. If there is someone to forgive, can you release that burden here and now before it’s too late?

To be open and vulnerable, one of my greatest fears is growing to be incapacitated in mind and body. To not let go and make peace with what I must because I was too scared, stubborn, angry, unwilling, (fill in the blank) when I could have.

There is great freedom and equal evolutionary growth – a spiritual ascension of you like that comes from relieving ourselves from the pain of holding the gate, resentment, and regret.

We become obsessed and vigilant. Angry and distracted. We are kept in low vibratory states of expression and we lose ourselves in those moments.

This compounds and we become bitter. Further identifying with hatred and rage. Not trusting others and worse, feeling deep shame and mistrust for ourselves.

Forgiveness is an inside job. Something we do for ourselves and for others. But the process and hero’s journey of forgiveness is within us. Our relationship to our own core is primary.

Can you forgive yourself for cheating in your last relationship?

Can you forgive yourself for getting frustrated with your son?

Can you forgive your father for not knowing how to say I love you?

Can you forgive your partner for lying to you?

Can you forgive your perpetrator for the abuse?

What can you forgive here and now?

I forgive myself for still holding on to needing to get it right and when I don’t project that as inadequate frustration upon myself and others.

One is glad to be of service.

Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



Role-mate Or Soul-mate?

A role-mate is born of desperation, survival and fear. We get together to survive, not thrive. We don’t share deep values, we are here to serve primal needs only. Our intimacy is empty and scarce. We base our relationships on convenient agreements of doing in the world. Soul-mates come together to thrive, expand their connection to self, each other and the world. They are here to grow and explore their sexuality, spirituality, contributions and more. They are clear that they are here to serve the greater good of society and themselves. Which are you???

The Importance Of Emptiness

THE FEMININE thrives in being full. THE MASCULINE in emptiness. When the masculine feels threatened it pursues in excess the feeling of emptiness through controlling force. Shadow masculine energy is forcing the feminine to be empty – empty of nutrients in the ocean, clean drinking water wells, mountains stripped of their minerals and the feminine having her voice emptied and taken from her being… We are currently in an excessive collective shadow expression of masculinity.

The Force Behind Consistency

When a man embodies consistency as his mantra for optimising his life, he becomes extremely powerful. Consistency however can be trickster, allow me to explain.

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Transcending Into The Ethereal in Sacred Union

Intimate sexual union is more about harmonizing the energetic poles between two beings than it is about reaching a particular “state”. The greatest “mistake” we make though is thinking that harmonization is a dulling down of our polarities or expression in order to be in some type of mundane state or balance… Quite the contrary.

Transference – How Good Are You At It?

Attempting to understand this type of behaviour according to a superficial or face value view will only confuse us and distance us form ourselves and our loved ones…


Complete this assessment to uncover the exact blocks preventing you from attracting and experiencing the love and intimacy you truly desire

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