The Awakened Man

He is not interested in perfection. He can never be what he does not pursue. He makes mistakes. He feels pain. He loses track of his truth. He hurts himself. He at times unintentionally hurts others. He becomes confused. He forgets his mission at times. He feels pressure and can be reactive. The awakened man however consistently returns to facing his shadows, doing his inner work and above all is WILLING to face all that he is not in order to become all that he was born to be… To serve himself, his lover, his community, and earth… 

We place such unrealistic expectations on ourselves that then leaks into our relationships. I remember the moment where I really turned harsh self-judgment on its head. I mean I really got it, viscerally in my body, it dropped like it was there the whole time and I couldn’t see it or even access it.

It was a warm day, I had finished training, I was on my driveway, the sun was behind some clouds, the birds were chirping and it was beautiful in California… I was now speaking with my coach at the time. He was guiding me through some processes around shame, guilt, and self-judgment.

And during this process, we were accessing some memories from my childhood around how dad saw me and how I thought dad saw me and how I saw myself through the lens of how dad saw me… I know very confusing, right. But something clicked within me.

I had been holding myself back for so fucking long… I was so judgmental of myself because that is how my dad saw himself and projected that on to me. I took that on. I made his reality mine. I looked up to him so much and wanted his approval so much, that I made myself be like him.

And in meeting impossible expectations, I judged myself harshly, never feeling enough and adept and by default passed those expectations and judgments on to others. Expecting them to be more, do more, and give more. This distanced intimacy, connection, and closeness.

Back to the driveway… It just hit me, like a tonne of bricks. I push others away and am regularly angry at others because I am angry at myself. I judge myself so harshly that I am constantly frustrated at people and this makes others move away…

Which further perpetuated this belief that I am not good enough. This realization lifted something from me. A pressure I never consciously knew was there… I felt an immediate change and immediate closeness to that little boy within me that had been crying for help for so long.

Being willing to look at this gave me freedom… You can experience this also. 

One is glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



Tapping Into Your Feminine Expression

Focus on your core essence of masculinity. Strengthen your healthy masculine expression and posture. Do this and your feminine expression will reveal itself as required when relevant.
This can be a sensitive subject… Women and men are different – culturally, biologically, hormonally. We also share so many similarities in terms of the full spectrum of the human experience. We are more the same than we are different, however, we need to celebrate both and also account for the difference.

Who’s Your Brother?

Men are too isolated, lonely, disconnected and not aware of the need to have men in their lives.
Men today have fallen from their own grace. Men have lost their own sense of deep responsibility in honouring the path of brotherhood. In a world of hyper-competition and fears driven action we have become isolated by our own conditioning. Men were born to be warriors. Like we will never directly relate to the giving of birth, the bond between warrior brothers is one reserved for the connected man.

Defining Authenticity In The Face Of Fear

A dialogue of rediscovery; Of pain and fear; Of immense confrontation; Of a complete reassessment of self; Of a reconfiguration of the entirety of my being; Of the mute darkness of the unknown; Of the mystery that is the endless micro chasm…

Overcoming Regret

Regret can eat us away. It keeps us locked into a past that was not meant for us anyway. It distracts us from being present and in gratitude. The active and deliberate practice of gratitude releases serotonin. This reinforces a sense of appreciation for the ‘now’ moment and the people in that now moment, forming deeper bonds.

Rediscovering the Five Pillars of Manhood: A Journey Toward Wholeness

Contrary to stereotypical depictions, strength is not a tool for subjugation but a resource to be wielded with accountability and care. True courage involves venturing into the unfamiliar, both externally and within one’s own psyche. It’s a journey of emotional intelligence that allows for personal growth and understanding. Mastery should be seen as the ability to offer tangible benefits to one’s community, shifting the focus from selfish attainment to communal enrichment. In this complex world, redefining manhood is not a rejection of modern values but a conscious realignment with fundamental virtues.


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