Who’s Your Brother?

Men are too isolated, lonely, disconnected and not aware of the need to have men in their lives.
Men today have fallen from their own grace. Men have lost their own sense of deep responsibility in honouring the path of brotherhood. In a world of hyper-competition and fears driven action we have become isolated by our own conditioning. Men were born to be warriors. Like we will never directly relate to the giving of birth, the bond between warrior brothers is one reserved for the connected man.

There are numerous tactical virtues that various authors have spoken to throughout the years when it comes to being good at being men. One I specifically speak to is connectedness. We evolved in bands of brothers, testing, challenging and assisting each other to be better – forging our identities through adversity and our ‘gang’.

Amongst many attributes, the way of man is one of connectedness, passion, the pursuit of challenge and expansion through inviting his fellow man to rise to the occasion. The vast majority of men these days have become fallen warriors. The sense of journeying has left him forsaken in a world of empty and meaningless pursuit.

The purpose of man is to explore, to quest in to the unknown and return with something greater than what he initially ventured off in to the wild with – wisdom, strength, revelation, insight, virtue and treasures from his expedition.

Our current modern day pursuit is that of abstraction. We are rarely challenged; we would rather spectate than participate; we would prefer to stand on the sidelines than get our hands ‘dirty’; we would rather indulge in luxury as opposed to feel the rawness of the elements and we would rather be safe and masturbate to pornography than run the risk of being ‘rejected;’ or truly seen.

Men are warriors. We have lost our warrior way not because we are not good enough or because we are not capable enough, but rather because over time we have isolated ourselves from this notion that we must do life on our own. We are pro-social beings. We are need our brothers. The time of being alone, over self-reliant and isolated is over.

The time to reconnect with our brothers to develop a deeper sense of self is here. Doing so will allow us to develop greater skills, learn more about ourselves, be called forward by our brethren and lean in to the challenge that is life so that we can expand our consciousness and serve greater that and those in which we love.

One is glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



Go Deep To Go Far

There is so much superficial shit out there. The problem isn’t superficiality, the ‘puzzle’ (as opposed to the problem) is we remain in the superficial for too long. We are too scared to venture into the deep (we will come back around to this).

The superficial is actually healthy and a place where we can find common ground. Imagine being on a date – getting to know someone and your first question is: “so tell me your deepest childhood trauma”?

What Is Your Sexual Character?

Do you deny yourself of love? Do you deem yourself worthy of affection?

Are you chasing others in order to elevate your worth? Are you pursuing the elusive and stuck in fantasy?

Do you trust your heart? Can you trust others?

Why Unconditional Love Does Not Exist

“Unconditional love can only exist once we have moved through the motions of conditional love. Then and only then may we reach a heightened and enlightened state of being that liberates us from dualistic conditions”…


Thousands of years of compounded behaviour has resulted in the unhealthy and extreme posture and dominant masculine expression rampant in the majority of men today. By describing accurately who we have been is not perpetuating a myth or holding ‘ourselves back’. We are holding ourselves back by fracturing our psyche by not looking at ourselves from a place of holism…

A Fierce Kind Of Love

We cannot expect others to fill our voids. If we are not connected to who we ultimately (in an ever-evolving way) are we are ‘losing’. Love with ‘others’ may only flourish when we at least recognise the love within ourselves, when we realise we are our own source of brilliance, power, flowing love and divinity.


Complete this assessment to uncover the exact blocks preventing you from attracting and experiencing the love and intimacy you truly desire

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