Holding Your Partner Through Moon Cycles

Supporting, seeing and holding our women during a sacred time of their lives that symbolises so much wisdom and depth is critical. This is a great time of reflection and process, where we get to celebrate life creation and be present to this.

Our part is to hold, to witness, to ask what is needed and how it is needed. A time to revere, respect and trust. To be ourselves and to show up fuller and take the essence of this love into all other times also. This can be deep teaching of us as men.

Signifying wisdom, intuition, birth, death, reincarnation, and a deeper spiritual connection to the cosmos. Moon cycles are similar to the cycle of a seed: the seed grows into a flower, then blooms and then dies. This is part of a process. Not shaming, minimizing or forgetting the value of this process is imperative.

Normalizing this journey defines (in part) not only our healthy masculinity but also our profound connection to life, nature and our intertwined futures. By being supportive during a time where some women are in deep reflection, some are in pain, some are not, some differ in the “accustomed to” expression and some not; we are choosing to be unwavering and stable, irrespective of what is unraveling before us.

It is this choice and habitual action to be vertical and present that contributes to the quality of our masculinity. It also demonstrates reliance and selfless love. We often push away what we don’t understand and as men, we struggle to connect to the way a woman’s body functions. Welcoming the unknown into our lives by offering our presence diffuses this confusion.

In ancient cultures, the period cycle was deeply respected and revered and as men when we embrace this reciprocal contribution to life, we all grow together. Learning to love a woman’s body during menstruation is about realizing that the feminine is a beautiful cyclical being. This is one of the most charming and magnetic things about being female. The body, mind and emotions are constantly ebbing and flowing in this cosmic dance that we as men get to witness.

The invitation is to celebrate this time of a woman’s life and embrace this cycle of life.

One is glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



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