The Importance of Sacred Sexuality

In a world where connection and intimacy are fleeting, we crave it, yet few are willing to do what it takes to feel it fully.

Sexuality IS sacred. It allows us to know ourselves through the other. We seek to experience true lasting joy more than we do “pleasure”. Pleasure is easily accessible, a quick fix, short-term gratification that distracts.

Joy requires effort in the form of attention and presence. In a world of deep distraction, this can be tough. This means knowing ourselves and feeling the whole of who we are. Pleasure is not “bad”. We need it, our issue is we overindulge. Whether it be bingeing and being extreme with fast food, fast sex, distractions, and numbing agents such as drugs, porn, or alcohol. We are consumed with distraction.

Joy in intimacy requires effort. Sacred sexuality asks us to lean in deeply into seeing ourselves in the other. To ask who we are when our bodies are pressed up against each other, our foreheads touching. To gaze deeply into the eyes of another and compliment their polarity.

The feminine’s core essence is to be adaptive, to move intuitively; the masculine is more predictable, holding and sturdy in his expressive energetic. SUSTAINABLE joyful explosiveness is experienced at this crossroads of healthy and complimentary contrast — READ THAT AGAIN!

The masculine taking, guiding, and holding. The feminine opening, receiving, and allowing. Now the movement in sexual expression becomes free. True joy is experienced without restraint. Curiosity is present. Reverence for each other. We can see each other because we’re free of unresolved shadow, pain, and shame — this requires effort and self-love.

Beyond the plains of pleasure resides a deeper expression of the human experience. Joy, bliss, and presence. To be attentive we must exert presence and willingness.

It’s not about “more sex”, it’s about intentional sexual Union. Not how many you can f*ck, but how you penetrate with your presence.

If you are wanting to up-level your own growth then take The Love Block Quiz to help you get clear on what is holding you back from experiencing epic love and relationships. Here, you will be directed to understand the very fears stopping you from living your best life. You will be then taken on a journey of discovery and provided with tools and techniques to make the shifts you deserve and step into your potential.

One is glad to be of service.

One is glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



The Density Of Anger

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Complete this assessment to uncover the exact blocks preventing you from attracting and experiencing the love and intimacy you truly desire

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