Are You Struggling?

Are you living a double life? Are you committed to owning your truth? We learn from both struggles/challenge/“failure” and success/wins and the positive.

We hold in what is painful or appears to be weak. I share as much of my life as I can to inspire others to share more of themselves to and for themselves so that we cease to polarize and pretend we are not struggling.

To normalize challenge and pain and not put a facade on of “all is perfect in my world”.

“How are you”, your friend asks.

You respond “all good”. When really you’re dying inside.

Now, today I’m not dying inside, in fact, I am having a blessed day surrounded by opportunity, opulence, amazing human minds and deeply generous people. However. I have had some challenges today. And I share this with you in real-time.

I have a deeply connected relationship with my beautiful wife and we at times are challenged by each other. This is also one of the ways we grow and get to love and see each other deeper.

We have experienced friction and tension today. And honestly, I have not dealt with it in the best of ways. I have been reactive, angry, frustrated and immature. I have come from layers of past wounding that I haven’t been able to address deeper until now.

Our relationship itself and the people we choose to be in our dynamic helps us grow. I sat with my behavior that was projecting negativity towards Christine and decided that behavior is not acceptable so I chose to go deeper into it to understand myself and shift.

I realized that I was coming from mother wounding three was being triggered by what was happening in those moments. Instead of seeing that at the moment, I projected my unconscious pain on to my partner because at some deeper level my inner child didn’t want to deal with it.

It’s these types of continued behaviors that if left unchecked destroy our souls and our relationships. My wife is not at fault, it’s my responsibility to look at my triggers. My invitation is to look at what is challenging you and reframe it as an opportunity for healing and freedom.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



How You May Be Unealthily Co-Dependent

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Complete this assessment to uncover the exact blocks preventing you from attracting and experiencing the love and intimacy you truly desire

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