Sacred Sexuality

The practical sense of REAL and TRUE sacred sexuality is supporting and seeing each other through uncertainty and vulnerability.

Sacred sexuality allows us not to hide, to be open in our bodies.

Sacred sexuality allows us to trust. This frees us so we do not harbour pain and tension.

Sacred sexuality has the courage to express your NO when you are scared and your YES when you want to open your heart.

Sacred sexuality is showing all of you, without shame or embarrassment.

Sacred sexuality is appreciating yourself at such depth that the giving of YOU is not filtered.

Sacred sexuality is trusting your lover at such depth that receiving is completely open, transparent and immediate.

Sacred sexuality is going beyond just skin to skin.

Sacred sexuality is choosing to alchemise and transmute your pain into pleasure.

Sacred sexuality is seeing your beloved for all that they are. The “good”, the “bad”, the “ugly”, not judging and shaming them.

Sacred sexuality is NOT trying to make others fit into your model of the world. Its acceptance at the deepest level intersecting with a profound knowledge of your needs and desires and then speaking that into the world.

Sacred sexuality is being willing to explore. The fundamental tenant to true connection.

Sacred sexuality is unconditional/conditional love. I’ll let you sit with that for a moment…

Sacred sexuality is a visceral connection, intimate union and sex that will elevate all of that which you are and catapult you into the cosmos.

Sacred sexuality is unified merging, there is a blending where all becomes one, there are no borders, there is no you, there is no them, there is only one ‘I’.

Sacred sexuality is wild, sensual, slow, fast, erotic, placid, profound, simple, familiar, unpredictable and everything in-between and outside.

Sacred sexuality is watching each other bloom without wishing to alter the unfolding of magic emanating from self.

Sacred sexuality is AMAZING SEX.

Sacred sexuality requires fear. Because as fear arises (yes, we are human), the opportunity is to MOVE THROUGH the fear and this then becomes the act of SACREDNESS.

One is glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



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