Love Learns From The Past

In a relationship, we often let our past infiltrate our present. We allow our unconscious and unresolved wounding to dictate how we behave, how we treat others and how we see ourselves.

The ego simply wants to protect us, to keep us safe and help us remain in what is familiar to us. The ego-self is not “bad.”. The ego is simply grounding us and what it knows, keeping our bodies minds and the emotional being safe and away from harm.

The problem becomes persistent when we cease to come from love. When we cease to live from the truth and we continue to live from fear and unresolved pain. The opportunity is to live in love. To act from love.

Love requests that we expand, that we grow, and resolve the pain. It asks we feel the feelings that weren’t felt at the time of experiencing trauma, difficulty, or intense pain. Love requests that we heal the issues that we have not dealt with; ego asks us to remain in what we know irrespective of whether it is healthy or not.

The ego is not our enemy, however, leaving an ego is not fruitful nor is it beneficial to our growth. It keeps us stuck in old patterns that once protected us and were relevant but perhaps no longer. Love asks that you become a new version of yourself.

To break the mold of the old and become the new often requires us to step into a version of self that must be courageous. We must face our demons, cease to project our pain onto others, live in greater compassion and see ourselves as worthy.

Noticing relationship if you are repeating patterns, same you but with a different person. Assuming responsibility here is key to our growth, the choice is yours.

One is glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



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