Compliment Your Heart, Not Your Ego

The ego plays an important role in our development of self, our socialization and our connection to the ‘outside’ world.

However, when we consistently choose the ego over the expansive power of the heart we become unbalanced.

Ego protects us from a vantage point of fear, contraction and minimizing the true self. ‘It’ (being us and a part of us) still has a directive of self-preservation.

Self-preservation and survival play a critical role in our experience of life (clearly), so fear speaks loudly. It’s not gentle. Our entire nervous system shudders, our body’s shift, our attention becomes hyper-focused. The go now has our cognitive, neural and emotional attention.

It gets the ‘job’ done (base survivability) but it does not really allow us to thrive and play massively in this world…

This is where a focus on the heart and the authentic self (the self that yearns for particular expansive and enriching experiences) cones in.

Ah, here is the ‘battle’ within. But it needn’t be. Both the ego and the heart know intrinsically how to dance this dance and play nicely. They both know that they need each other. This is harmonious polarity at play.

But only when there are cohesion and internal communication. We must be conscious of when the ego-self is too loud and must be silenced so that the heart can lead the way.

When we consciously choose heart and pay attention to what we truly desire and what are old repeatable patterns that no longer serve, we softly request the ego to rest.

There will be resistance but be persistent. The ego truly knows when it needs to be loud enough to truly physically survive. Trust in that. But also a trait in your ‘manual’ mode of operating life to take charge.

This conscious aware self is powerful and liberating. And serves our highest self (actually, as does The Ego). The ego is a landmark on our map of life directing us. We simply need to walk and take charge…

One is glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



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