What Women Truly Desire From Their Men

1. Emotional transparency and intimacy

2. To be seen without judgment

3. For their man to lead with certainty

4. Consistent behavior

5. Physical prowess, ability and strength

6. Willing to “do the work” with them

7. Presence and deep listening

8. Non-passivity and clarity in action

9. Prioritisation of the relationship

10. For their men to be living in “purpose”

11. Truth telling, courage and transparency

12. To know themselves to be trusting

13. A man that knows his yes’s and owns his no’s

14. A man that has cleared up his past issues

15. To be held fiercely and to be fought for

This list is a guide as to how we as men can show up with greater presence, truth and awareness in relationship to self and others. Relationship can ask us to be the best versions of self.

Will you adhere to the call? We all have needs and desires. There have been times in my life that I have wanted more from others, however in reality I was really wanting more from myself.

There are basic needs we have as humans. As we continue to expand the horizon of human potential and possibility, we can find that the needs we require to flourish we can activate in our own being at some deep level.

This does not mean we do not need others to thrive. We are relational beings, however HOW we need is important. If we come from scarcity, deficit and fear we become attached and demanding, rigid and desperate.

If we recognise that we too are our own wellspring of sustenance we realise that we may come from a place that is free and clean. Having done our inner work we may bathe in more profound levels of self-worth and self-belief.

Here, when we ask of others, we are asking from a place of love. In my life, I demanded so much from my unconscious wounded self that I projected rigidly upon others. This disconnected me from true intimacy.

When we assume ownership for who we are and responsibilities for our actions we can greater determine what we truly have capacity to give and what we are willing to receive.

What would you add to this list? I would add passion. I feel the both the feminine and women in general desire a passionate interlude between the play of life. Or perhaps that whole play may be passionate?

How do you define passion? And is there anything on the list that perhaps doesn’t resonate?

One is glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



Are You Struggling?

Are you living a double life? Are you committed to owning your truth? We learn from both struggles/challenge/“failure” and success/wins and the positive.
We hold in what is painful or appears to be weak. I share as much of my life as I can to inspire others to share more of themselves to and for themselves so that we cease to polarize and pretend we are not struggling.
To normalize challenge and pain and not put a facade on of “all is perfect in my world”.

Through Thick and Thin

Take your relationship to new frontiers often. Travel, discover new ways to surprise each other, dress differently, speak differently, dance together, learn a language and NEVER GIVE UP on the new that can be created in your sacred union.

The Essence Of Intimacy

How can we trust? Why do we need to trust? If we do not trust, we do not connect. If we cannot connect we are bypassing basic human function, not fulfilling what the ‘social brain’ needs in order to flourish and thrive…?

The Real You

We want others to believe in us. We want to feel needed and be seen. We want others to understand us and love us for who we are, yet we seldom show our ‘true colours’.

We want the world and are often simply delivered an atlas. We do a great job of blaming and shaming the world around us for this and not getting out way.

Why You May Be Attracting an Effeminate Man In Intimacy

We learn at a young age to wear masks to protect ourselves and be part of the “in” or popular group. We seek validation, approval and acceptance of those we deify, love and respect (aka our parents, peers and society).
We can’t maintain this. We seek to be accepted in all the wrong ways. Masculine and feminine energies exist in all of us. They are simply contrasted energetic expressions of our thoughts, beliefs and reality.


Complete this assessment to uncover the exact blocks preventing you from attracting and experiencing the love and intimacy you truly desire

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