Humility in Life

There is an opportunity that takes place every so often & rarely in a man’s life is this opportunity presented because we are too stubborn to embrace this gift. That opportunity is to be humbled by the continuity of life.

The only way to embrace this level of humility is to be open to transparent, evolving transformation, change of self, behaviour, beliefs, actions & expressions.

An exploration & evaluation of self transpires where we are able to see ourselves fully for who & what we are and be comfortable enough with the uncomfortable to immerse in to the unknown. To hold our own shadow in reverence.

To embrace our wholeness and present it to others with deep levels of self-love and compassion, without shame. Can we make the “ugly” beautiful and move out of fear and in to truth. Life will bring us to our knees in gratitude to remind us that whilst we are infinite in being, the physical reality carries the truth of contrast & relating.

How we relate to pain, fear, tension, frustration, joy, bliss, happiness, ‘success’, the entire spectrum of life, emotions, pursuits, embodiments and relationship defines how we feel about ourselves.

The position of arrogance limits us as men, destroys our capacity to connect. We become lone rangers in a game (the one of life) that is a multi-player experience.

We lose ourselves in our hyper-selfish endeavours & disorientate our soul’s blueprint by running solo – by wishing to lead autocratically & oppressively without consideration or sustainable foresight.

This is the path of a fractured & tortured man. A man who cannot give to himself & is in constant pursuit without authentic cause or reason as to why. Yes, there is a time for being alone – but this time of deliberate solitude is one that is considerate & carefully articulated consciously.

When as men, we humble ourselves to not knowing it all, we welcome expansion, a liberated mind, a creative sense of self & an open heart.

This posture is what welcomes connection, intimacy and so much more. Firstly to self and then to others, ideas, presence & purpose.

To be a humble & expansive man means to love with curiosity, confidence & poise yet to know that embracing ALL of that which we are will liberate us as men in and out of relationship.

Humbleness calls.

One is glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



What Is Sexual Polarity?

If we are experiencing a lack of sexual charge in our relationships it could be for many reasons, and we need to get real with what they may be – stress, disinterest, health issues, distractions, priority shifts, distance (emotional and/or physical) and more.
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Masculine Sexual Health

If we do not choose to connect deeply to those we share our sexual energy with, then who are we, why are we and what are we to ourselves? There is nothing ‘wrong’ with hedonistic urges and practices. This is a beautiful place to be and is necessary for us as men to explore in order to initially define ourselves, our needs, values and postures…

Why Unconditional Love Does Not Exist

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Who’s Your Brother?

Men are too isolated, lonely, disconnected and not aware of the need to have men in their lives.
Men today have fallen from their own grace. Men have lost their own sense of deep responsibility in honouring the path of brotherhood. In a world of hyper-competition and fears driven action we have become isolated by our own conditioning. Men were born to be warriors. Like we will never directly relate to the giving of birth, the bond between warrior brothers is one reserved for the connected man.

A Man’s Suffering

You would think this wouldn’t be that hard to have in modern world. However, we are missing this. Men are overworked, depressed, repressed, isolated, numb and in excess pursuit of values such as status that does not serve.

Our boys are still growing in to adult bodies without effective rites of passage, without the confidence, wisdom, knowledge and skills. They are essentially left to fend for themselves and figure it out alone.


Complete this assessment to uncover the exact blocks preventing you from attracting and experiencing the love and intimacy you truly desire

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