Certainty is Sexy AF

Now I’m speaking to certainty being the new black and not a false or idle sense of certainty – I’m talkin’ ‘bout deep certainty of self that comes from traversing the unknown and the cultivating the courage to communicate that truth.

There is something fucking primal and attractive about a man that knows what he wants and how he wants it.

When a man displays certainty in his decision making, thought, expression and posture he is safe. He is trusted. He is predictable. I have spoken to this many times before.

Ladies, tell me a man who does what he says and says what he does with clarity of mind is not something that is magnetic??? Certainty tells the world in that very moment you know yourself deeply.

This level of ‘self-awareness’ is fucking liberating for self and all of those in one’s life. Now, of course we don’t ‘know’ everything at all times, however stating our uncertainty with clarity is safe. Why?

Because synonymous to certainty is: capability, self-belief, structure, confidence, courage, honoring, compassion, reflective prowess and willingness (this is massive, let’s go deeper in to this one)…

Willingness to explore our shadow self, our fears, our pains and move in to a more whole aspect of self. It is this exploration of our parts that leads to wholeness that allows those to see us as full beings.

Imagine that… relating to other people from transparency and truth. I struggled with that for most of my life. My life now because of my commitment to certainty and knowing self is very different to what it used to be.

I feel empowered, in integrity, clear-minded, full in my heart and am not afraid to be real and honest with those I love or complete strangers. Whatever you choose, choose to be certain, it’s sexy as fuck and your lady will love you for it ????

One is glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



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Complete this assessment to uncover the exact blocks preventing you from attracting and experiencing the love and intimacy you truly desire

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