The Sacred Invitation

There is something magnificent about the human gaze… Particularly that of a woman. She is able to show so much of who she is, what has been and what will be.

As men, it is an honour to witness the sacredness of the gaze. This invitation in to the soul and essence of a woman’s world liberate us from overthinking.

We cannot help but feel fully the safety of her presence. A gaze like this is safe, non-judgmental, compassionate, forgiving, open and free. Elements of expression that men require in order to transcend the old limiting and rigid ways.

This gaze is more than just a gaze, it is a way of purity. This gaze speaks to eons of evolution, to the unfolding of each experience.

How the pain redefined, the joyfully embraced and the fear transmuted. This gaze is honest, free, grounded in the now, yet speaking to all that has ever been.

This gaze is to be cherished, revered and held. It cannot be taken lightly. To be allowed in to a woman’s eyes is an invitation of authentic connection.

Men are being asked yet again to hold and demonstrate our prowess, power and ability to be genuine and present.

To observe in clarity, verticality, stability and love. To be fully compassionate and non-critical. To not fear and push back or away, but to embrace, understand and do more than accept.

The allowance of the gaze – this invitation to enter the inner domain and sphere of the feminine is one of reverence. To take this for granted is to stunt and block our own evolution (collective and individual).

What does it mean to be invited into this inner space? It means we are worthy. Yes men, we are worthy and we deserve this honour and glory.

However, we must demonstrate our worth through our actions. We must ‘do the work’. Delve deep, take responsibility, explore the unknown within, open our hearts and take action in integrity (to mention some)…

When the feminine invites it means you are ready… The feminine knows. Now own that and act fully in it… Step in to your authentic power…

One is always glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



Go Deep To Go Far

There is so much superficial shit out there. The problem isn’t superficiality, the ‘puzzle’ (as opposed to the problem) is we remain in the superficial for too long. We are too scared to venture into the deep (we will come back around to this).

The superficial is actually healthy and a place where we can find common ground. Imagine being on a date – getting to know someone and your first question is: “so tell me your deepest childhood trauma”?

Hug Like You Mean It

Embrace your beloved as if this is the first and last moment you will share. In embracing with complete presence we release inhibition, judgement, self-constraint, self-consciousness and unchecked fear/s.

The Precious Radiance Of The Feminine – A Personal Monologue

Please read through with an openness of heart and mind. “We are all one in the same, intricately connected through the magic that is the undying, infinite and magnificent cosmos…”

No Man Is An Island

As men we are inadvertently told and shown that independence reigns supreme and whilst I am a massive advocate for self-reliance, solitude and autonomy we still need each other. We are relational beings and the days of the lone wolf are over. There is a balance and by feeling, we neutralize that pain. We don’t allow the complex layers of our psyche to take over.


Masculinity is forced because true masculinity in contemporary times has been suppressed. There are those that may say if something is forced, then it is not real, nor a worthy pursuit. AND, do we not at times force ourselves to play an instrument or up level our smarts in certain expressions or remain focused on a disagreement with a loved one so that we can reconcile?


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