The Magnetic Holding

There is a calmness that comes from knowing you are held. When a woman knows she is held and seen for who she truly is there is placidity that unravels within the chasms of her heart space.  

There is a peacefulness that comes from being known for who you truly are. A peace that tells our bodies we no longer need to pretend. We no longer need to exert so much energy towards the masks of excess protection.

There is a quietness that uncoils itself. A permeating resonance that amplifies in to the cosmic field of possibility. The trap of false pretense that perpetuates further disconnection from congruent and authentic posturing dismantled itself.

When a woman is understood in the fullness of her expression, not judged, but revered for her vulnerable openness, she explodes in to the world as a beacon of hope and freedom.

A bright star for freedom why? Because she inspires us to be present. We are magnetized to her pulsating truth. As men, we become magnetic in our posture of presence.

Women magnetize the world through their elegance; their softness and their expression of truth. Men surge, women pulsate gently. When we witness this in an unfiltered and unadulterated way our hearts and spirit is moved.

The unchanging self within feels the expressive chime of a woman’s authentic and open vibration. When the being is devoid of fear, expression becomes congruent, fluid and authentic.

As a woman feels our heart opening, the cosmos emanates through her gaze. As we catch this gaze (not diluted) but rather, enhanced through source we expand in to the vastness that is our truth.

This is the symbiotic and reciprocal dance between authentic relating and loving openness.

One is glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



Compliment Your Heart, Not Your Ego

The ego plays an important role in our development of self, our socialization and our connection to the ‘outside’ world.

However, when we consistently choose the ego over the expansive power of the heart we become unbalanced.

Ego protects us from a vantage point of fear, contraction and minimizing the true self. ‘It’ (being us and a part of us) still has a directive of self-preservation.

There Is Great Depth and Presence In Man

It exists.

It is there.

It is presence, it is stillness.

It is beyond the superficial and it is beyond the stigma.

The Power Of Loss In Love

How do we explain something so fragile, so deep and so profound. When we lose loved ones, intimacy, ideals, beliefs, ideologies, familiarity and all else in between? I wish to focus on relational loss here though…

A New Way To Look At Anger

When we pursue what we value with tenacity, unparalleled focus and a mindset of resilience we learn more about ourselves, our capacity and our power than almost any other means of self-discovery.

Let’s redefine aggression for a moment. Let’s look at aggression as inspired relentlessness. It’s a fuel source that sources our highest expression in to the world. Now, raw aggression in times of absolute survival is a different concept.

The Resplendent Queen


For all of the women and the empowered, clear feminine within that have touched my life and impacted me… My queen, my muse – Christine, I love you and thank you for all that you are.

The vast women carrying so much depth, wisdom, reverence for men and clarified maturity who are entering my perception is humbling.


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