The Silent Killer

We all want love. We all wish to be deeply connected. Sentience, intelligence, wisdom permeates all of us.

This yearning to be seen and to belong, to feel intimate connection courses through the essence of all that we are, have been and will ever be.

Irrespective of ‘humaneness’, sentience wishes to expand through connected union.

There is nothing more sacred than another being given themselves to you. Opening their hearts, their being and their love and stating openly “I am here, hold me”.

This is a gift, a treasure to be held, a gesture to be adored, a posture to be revered and an action to consider with depth and adoration.

Love, affection, closeness, bonding, intimacy, anticipated and felt Union – all dissipate fear, pain, tension and disconnection.

When we give ourselves to those we can trust, respect and revere we are held and we all grow in togetherness.

This moment was captured in an authentic moment vulnerability and sharing. There is nothing more graceful and beautiful than another being giving themselves in safety and trust and us upholding that.

It was my honour to hold this being. To love her, cherish this moment and be present to her need to be held and acknowledged.

Yes, I’m anthropomorphizing, and yes, this moment is real, genuine and when I gaze at this moment with my mind’s eye gratitude overwhelms and tears of appreciation trickle down my cheek.

I have come from places where I was ignorant to what was being giving to me. Where I was unaware of the softness, the vulnerability and the courage taking place. I undervalued its power. 

I was selfish, disconnected and blind. Now, when these moments enter my life (and thankfully they enter often – it’s now the norm) I embrace them with depth and expansion. I have learned and continue to grow and embrace what is humbly offered.

This puppy just wants attention, recognition, affection and care. Not primarily from ego but because somewhere within her, she intrinsically and implicitly knows that this bonding will allow her to transcend limitations, somewhere within us – we also ‘know’ this…

When another being gives themselves to you, please know there is tremendous honour and depth in this. Be humble in receiving and gentle in how you hold this. Hold them and the energy in their way…

To take this lightly is to discount the value being offered. Here, we must embrace this open heart and meet it with our openness of heart.

What a beautiful journey we are all on. I love ‘love’. And to love ‘love’ is to be open to infinite possibility. If we can be present to the love that surrounds us, we may grow wildly.

One is always glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



The Masculine Within

What happens when the masculine within leaves? All the times we’ve neglected ourselves didn’t trust, obsessed with excessive and external validation and approval and couldn’t contain our power, we lost our ability to love ourselves as we were.
We judged and didn’t appreciate. We felt unprotected, loose in our boundaries and excessive in our ways. Aggressive, short-tempered and sad that we were not seen. This is a big part of the “father wounding”.

Integrated ‘Guilt-Free’ Happiness

We at times deny ourselves of happiness – do we deserve it, does it belong in our realm of consciousness, guilt arises tapping in to the collective, we feel bad because those we love do not feel happiness and more reasons why feeling joy is ‘wrong’.

How can we truly be happy with who we are? How can we truly be happy without guilt? The insight in to this is quite simple…

Role-mate Or Soul-mate?

A role-mate is born of desperation, survival and fear. We get together to survive, not thrive. We don’t share deep values, we are here to serve primal needs only. Our intimacy is empty and scarce. We base our relationships on convenient agreements of doing in the world. Soul-mates come together to thrive, expand their connection to self, each other and the world. They are here to grow and explore their sexuality, spirituality, contributions and more. They are clear that they are here to serve the greater good of society and themselves. Which are you???

To Feel

o FEEL beyond that moment, yet to be fully immersed in that moment

To SEE beyond the superficial, yet to appreciate deeply the aesthetic

To KNOW there is so much more, yet to be content with what one has

Why Unconditional Love Does Not Exist

“Unconditional love can only exist once we have moved through the motions of conditional love. Then and only then may we reach a heightened and enlightened state of being that liberates us from dualistic conditions”…


Complete this assessment to uncover the exact blocks preventing you from attracting and experiencing the love and intimacy you truly desire

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