A Fierce Kind Of Love

In order to truly connect and be whole with others, we must be whole within ourselves first and foremost. What does this mean?

– We cultivate a love for self, inclusive of our unconscious and unconnected aspects of self

– Open to sitting in humility and humbleness in order to open the heart fully, dramatically and deeply

– Develop a connection to the intricate and intimate parts of self and who we truly are

– An appreciation for the fullness of our stories, our history, our responses to life

 A deep, cosmic reverence and gratitude for the people, events and experiences (mirrors) that have entered our lives with grace and even some with rigidity, force and pain

– A recognition of the value in all that we have interpreted and moved through in life. The cultivation of deep awareness and gratitude

– A choice made to know self in as many layers as possible. To explore fully the chasms of one’s being

– To choose to be introspective and learn from our choices

– To believe in our potential and take action to actualise this immense power

– And so much more

We cannot expect others to fill our voids. If we are not connected to who we ultimately (in an ever-evolving way) are we are ‘losing’. Love with ‘others’ may only flourish when we at least recognise the love within ourselves, when we realise we are our own source of brilliance, power, flowing love and divinity.

In this space, we are essentially choosing to realise our own value and self-worth. This is not a lonely life but rather a life that is rich, full of vibrancy, colour and authenticity.

We become empowered to sit in the scriptorium of our lives and direct our journey in the most authentic and connected manner.

Now, we may connect and love others in such a way that is whole, full, real and beautiful beyond a superficial definition of what love is

Now we may gaze deeply in to one another, see ourselves, see them and see a unified oneness that may ONLY be recognized in WHOLE beings

Now we can love like we were always meant to

Now we may relate in the most profound of ways and are free to be ourselves

Now we are loved and can love WITHOUT rigidity, conditions, expectations and fear

Now we are who we were always meant to be.

I welcome you to this form of relating and connecting. It is a journey to traverse with care, respect and deep love. But a cosmically bound and integral journey worth embodying.

Be with YOU in order to be with others wholly, presently and truthfully. Perhaps it is the only way towards ‘true love’. There is only one way to find out…

One is glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



Embracing differences

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To Love Deeply All Women, We Must Love Profoundly One Woman

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Fathers are often viewed as monumental figures in the family unit, symbolizing protection, guidance, and moral integrity. They instill a sense of discipline, order, and security in their children’s lives. This significant influence of fathers on their children’s identity and self-perception highlights the importance of a father’s emotional and spiritual health. Fathers need to harmoniously embody a range of roles – as a leader, a spiritual guide, a protector, and an empathetic companion.

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