Owning Your Edge

Own who and what you are in the world. For a long time I hid away, fearful of being judged. If I wasn’t hiding I was compensating my fear of being seen and judged with a false bravado, inauthentic edge and aggressive entitlement.

When I sank in to the me that chooses to expand from a place of love and openness, I grew. I matured. I felt more and when I ‘did’, I did (took meaningful action) from a place of sincerity, deep intention and clear authority.

We spend so much time worried what others think of us and how they see us. Our self-worth is so tied up in the opinions of others. Most people are actually like you and I. So consumed with their own sense of self that they carry the same worries that you do.

We are not all that different. I remember a time when I wore so many varied masks, that I literally had to stop and ask myself who I really was. My values were distorted, I was consistently frustrated, I didn’t believe in myself and I lost the essence of who I was.

What kept the flame alit for me was my ability to still witness the flickering fire within, I could taste it in times of distress and pain. We all have a fire. Fire is the source of life – energy moving through time and space (not that we really know what time is).

We are creatures of comfort, although we haven’t always been that way. We thrive on doing our best to make lives easier for ourselves and matters of the heart are no different. When it comes to protecting the heart, we do what we can and this can at times mean losing ourselves in the process.

For me I avoided pain, I avoided being wrong, going against the status quo, disagreeing or being different (although I really did feel different). We are good at avoiding pain and it wasn’t until I embraced who I truly was that life became real for me.

I went though a period of being rebellious, not giving a fuck, being loud, outspoken and even arrogant. My pendulum had to swing between extremes before I could own a middle path. I embraced the difficult and I accepted all the parts of me.

I once cared little about myself, then little about others and now more about both in greater equanimity and equity. It hasn’t necessarily been easy, yet it’s been rewarding. Now, those in my life appreciate my truth as they know they get the real me with no illusions and no unpleasant surprises.

Who are you at your core? Even though we are evolving constantly, when we know our core essence, we take that power in to the world unapologetically, yet humbly and respectfully. My invitation to you is to practice being you with no attachment to outcome.

One is glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



The Power Of Admiration

So many relationships breakdown because we are not attentive to the beauty our partners hold within them – we ignore them and we become distant.

We essentially cannot see this beauty and wonder because we do not recognize our own value and power, a vicious cycle of hide and seek occurs.

The Sacred Invitation

There is something magnificent about the human gaze… Particularly that of a woman. She is able to show so much of who she is, what has been and what will be.

As men, it is an honour to witness the sacredness of the gaze. This invitation into the soul and essence of a woman’s world liberate us from overthinking.

The World I Have Come To Know

As I sit and watch, observe the world around me behave, watching my nephews eat and people stroll, walk and run past I can’t help but to feel the world around me…

Ever since I was a child I could really FEEL the world, people and their pain. I would feel their pain in order to not feel alone in the world. I also experienced so much of it myself that I wanted to help others with their pain.

The Debilitating & Controlling Nature Of Fear

I find it so deeply sad that fear controls our lives, that fear limits us from experiencing wonder, joy, expansion, opportunity and deep love. Love itself is a multidimensional, multilayered and multifaceted experiential state…

The Wounded Feminine

This energy resides within all of us. Today let’s speak to the wounded feminine within a woman’s body. When a woman is in her wounded or shadow feminine, she is suffering.
This suffering is projected into the world as low self-worth. Nearly every action comes from a place of deficit, feeling not enough and needing to be seen and validated in unhealthy ways, a woman will compromise her values, integrity and commitments to self.


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