The Power Of Admiration

So many relationships breakdown because we are not attentive to the beauty our partners hold within them – we ignore them and we become distant.

We essentially cannot see this beauty and wonder because we do not recognize our own value and power, a vicious cycle of hide and seek occurs.

We want to see and be seen but are too afraid of judgment, critique, potential humiliation because we are stuck in past trauma…

We lack the capacity to be compassionate with ourselves. Perhaps we are holding on to past pain which limits our abilities to be vulnerable and connected?

In my past I have held back massively from showing myself because I had unresolved and unaddressed patterns of pain and fears.

Therefore I couldn’t really see the beauty, value and power others held and emanated.

It wasn’t until I appreciated my own inner beauty and centre of power that I could admire and acknowledge others.

To observe and fully be transcended by a woman’s yoni – the centre Of the universe is a gift to our journey and consciousness. To observe with such reverence and love, awe and grace is such an empowering and bonding gift.

It requires effort. We all wish to be seen, and to see others fully is also a gift. The relationship can grow in this way and become deeply intimate because there are no barriers and the interchange becomes basically seamless and limitless.

To admire, honour and be in awe of your lover, beloved and one you care for is to be present to the wonder of them.

This is one sure way to have a healthy relationship, to take the time to acknowledge your wonder then create space to admire the innate gifts of your beloved.

Honour, revere, bow to your lover and know that in this giving you are drawing closer and expanding your potential as intimate beings.

One is glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



Redefining Male Presence & Power

What if for a moment we chose to turn history on its head? What if we observed life from a place of ‘natural need’ and ceased to reduce our behaviours to cultural constructs and began to live openly in accordance with our authentic nature…?

To Honour Is To Create Together

“When I truly honoured myself, I was able to honour women”…

In this life I have been blessed to transform many times over. There have been times where I have delved deep in to my own self solo and in isolation. There have been times when I have been deeply supported by other brothers. And there have been times where I have been guided by the divine presence of the feminine.

The Wounded Boy-Like Masculine

Right now our world needs structure, healthy transparency, a sense of healthy confidence and an ability to put away the ego and come together in greater harmony and compassion.

The wounded aspects of self are rising to the surface in a rapid way for both the feminine and masculine wounding. This means that we will feel more pressure, more pain and more uncertainty.

Male Sexual Mastery

“When we master our sexual selves as men, the feminine will pulsate wildly, yearning to be felt, touched, seen and known for who she is. She will have faith in your ability to hold her, touch her and grip her with the integrated power that is you. Until such mastery, we waiver and are weakened by unconscious impulses. Open to the unconscious becoming conscious and sexual liberation and freedom awaits you…”

The Sacred Witnessing Within All Men

Men, can we observe, can we just be? Can we simply observe the tides that rise and fall within our minds? Can we feel the ebb and flow of our hearts? Can you witness all that is you, all that you have been and all that you may become? Can you change the direction of your course by acknowledging your authentic power…?


Complete this assessment to uncover the exact blocks preventing you from attracting and experiencing the love and intimacy you truly desire

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