A Story Of Longevity & Respect

We become so fucking excited when we move in to a relationship. Our hormones go wild, any form of intelligence gets thrown out with the trash. We become primal, we go deep in to our physiology.

Of course there are times when there is a ‘soul recognition’, a ‘past-life’ connection and then it becomes more spiritual. As this phenomenological experience is rising, for many this form of deepened awareness in intimate relationship eludes us.

This is a story of respect, a story around what do we do, when the hormonal rush dissipates and the all that is left is the rawness and truth of who we really are…?

This is not about monogamy or non-monogamy. This is about how to treat each other, what ever your sexual constitution and relationship style preference is. There are many steps to take in order to experience ‘success’ in relationships. Below are 5. Do these 5 things in relationship and you will grow, live fulfilling and rich life full of meaning and alignment.

1… Know YOURSELF! Know what you want, know who you are, what you want to be. Your sexual preferences, your ideals, ideas, values, erotic styles, sexual desires and needs. Know and own your past, embrace the now and identify who you wish to be in the future. This also means DEAL with yours shit and your pain. Explore it, identify it and make it conscious. Process it and move through it so that you don’t project violently and unconsciously.

2… Speak YOUR truth and speak it LOUDLY. Let the other/s know who you are and what you want. Do not assume, do not mis-speak. Be what you say, say what you wish to do. Own your actions through your words.

3… Regularly and continuously COMMUNICATE who you are. Ask questions of your beloved, let them know what your thoughts are, what you are feeling. Acknowledge them, let them know how you feel about them, express gratitude and appreciation. Communicate with manners and awareness and don’t hide from pain, trauma, difficult conversations or fear itself.

4… Do NOT be HYPER-selfish – do NOT be HYPER-selfless. Our societal constructs today advocate for more of a hyper-selfish paradigm, where our needs are consistently placed above others at any cost. Depending on your past wounding and pain points, you will generally fall in to one category or the other.

This affects deeply how you relate, your love style, what you believe to be true about yourself, the world and others and your intrinsic level of self-worth. Being somewhere in the middle of this is healthy. Caring enough about your needs to communicate them equitably and compassionately, whilst also being MINDFUL to the needs of others allows our relationships to flourish.

5… Be PRESENCE itself. In this context, this holds the container of 3 elements: Consistency – Awareness – Kindness. We are consistent in our behaviour and how we show up. This demonstrates safety in our presence. We are aware of others. We give space when we need to and take ours when we require it.

We carry kindness in our gesture, compassion in our posture and empathy in the way we relate and connect with others. Not because we are appeasing others, because we realise that relationships require effort.

Your choice of relationship style is your own. Choose from a place of knowledge and awareness, not ignorance and of following the status quo of society or your immediate primary peer group. Be you, choose to honour you and then project that same honouring practice in to the world and your relationships.

One is glad to be of service. 


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



Boys To Men

Now more than ever we need REAL MEN. The rite of passage of man is so important. We miss a vital aspect of our intra- and interpersonal growth and expansion when we miss a legitimate rite of passage.

The word teenager was not commonly used before the 20th century. Why? Because, when we look at the path of man we can see a linefeed and distinct path of either rapid growth or rapid decline.

Are You Being Selfish?

I have been really contemplating and feeling this a lot lately. Asking myself whether or not my interests and actions are “too selfish”.
Am I not considering others enough in my decision making and more prominently, am I too easily put out? Am I not adaptive enough. I’m dealing with some acute responsibilities at the moment and it’s stoping me from personal stuff that I’d like to be doing.

Embracing differences

We speak to the differences in men and women not to segregate but to celebrate. This celebration allows us to honor ourselves and each other. The truth is we are in this together.

Divine Union is something that can only flourish when polarity is felt to be merged. When sacred masculine deliberate intention meets sacred feminine compassion and opening.

Are You Too Obsessed With Self-Love?

We needn’t be perfection in order to have a healthy relationship because at our core we are already perfection, we have forgotten this. We needn’t be FULLY healed of all of our past trauma to be in a healthy relationship. We need to be WILLING, clear, communicative and open-hearted.

Tapping Into Your Feminine Expression

Focus on your core essence of masculinity. Strengthen your healthy masculine expression and posture. Do this and your feminine expression will reveal itself as required when relevant.
This can be a sensitive subject… Women and men are different – culturally, biologically, hormonally. We also share so many similarities in terms of the full spectrum of the human experience. We are more the same than we are different, however, we need to celebrate both and also account for the difference.


Complete this assessment to uncover the exact blocks preventing you from attracting and experiencing the love and intimacy you truly desire

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